Monday, October 15, 2018

Number 10 and Family Time

This has been a packed month, and I'm sure you'll pick up on the fact that I am doing some back posting. 
First up I finished my #10 UFO.  Pod Cats.  I started this in September 2017 when I went to Williams for my first little retreat at my friend Patty's Cabin.  Well I got the binding done so I can truly call it finished.  
The kids and our grandson got here early after noon Sunday and we visited and had some lunch while we waited for Dad (my hubby) to get home from golf.  Then we visited joked and laughed some more.  They were all tired from travel so we got them settled in their hotel rooms and let them be for the rest of the evening.  Caleb our grandson stayed with us so we could have some more bonding time. 
He's loving the doggies, Pepe and Pumpkin.  We of course have all kinds of different names for them.  Pumpkin is Punky - Princess Prance a lot - Pookie - Pepe is Pepper - Scooby - Burger... They of course come to all of the names, especially if there is food involved.  
Pepe is not feeling good and has been lethargic.  We took him to the Vet and he is on some medicine. 
This is my Mother in law she is the original owner of our doggies.  When she moved she couldn't take the doggies with her so we kept them and they have been ours for the last 4 years.  She of course is having fun visiting them.  
Here is our Son with Grandma.  They haven't seen each other in a few years. 
Nice family time.  We all gathered so we could go out to dinner.  Caleb and his Great Grandma rode with us. 
And the waitress was nice enough to get a picture of all of us.  
We as a family love to joke a lot and of course tell stories so there was a lot of laughing going on as well.  
Great Family Times.
Blessings - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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