Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February wrap up

What have I been up to? Well I just got done with a retreat and now I'm gearing up for the next one starting in just a few days.  At the retreat, I worked on the flag quilt that I'm hoping I can finish for my Daughter in law. 
I still need to put the borders on and then I can sandwich, pin and quilt.  
I also have been doing charity work for the guild.  We made adult bibs. 

I trimmed the Bee-utiful QAL blocks, then auditioned how I wanted to sash them then cut the fabric of the Sashing.
I also have cut sashing for my Bag ladies blocks. 
Now as I get ready for my next retreat.  I am sketching out the blocks I will be making for the Minecraft quilt.  
And started cutting out little squares of fabric.
So as I finish out this month I will be finishing up my prep for the next retreat and planning for March.
Hope you have a great day 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Pixel Play - PQ 10.4

This Project Quilting Challenge for Pixel Play came at the right time.  Yay!   
At first I was excited because I knew I was already getting ready to do some pixel work. I am doing a Minecraft Quilt for my Great Grandson. 
Here's the inspiration for the quilt. 
(Image from Pinterest
It won't be exactly like this but similar with a few different characters. 
But then it was like uh oh - it has to be a finished quilt, there's no way I'm going to get his whole quilt done in a week.  Then I got a bright idea - I could make one of the blocks into a little mini quilt for a wall hanging to go with his quilt.  Yep some times the light bulb still comes on.  :).  So this is the one block I picked and used this image (again I found on pinterest) for the colors and placement. 
Then I got to work cutting lots of little squares. 
I got the top 4 rows together before I stopped sewing for the day on Wednesday.
I am all packed a ready to go to a retreat starting Thursday, so I laid out the rest of the Squares to make sure I had enough of each. 
Then got backing and batting and binding fabric ready to take with me.  
I'm glad it all worked out and I was able to get it all done. Now it's time to link up to Project Quilting.

Have a Blessed day!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

FNSI Hand Stitching

Friday Night Sew In.. 
I'm always hand stitching at night while winding down for the evening and so I thought I would go ahead and link up my embroidery.  February is National Embroidery Month so I have been doing a stitch along with Crabapple Hill Studios
And since my little inch square only takes a few minutes, once I finish it up I am continuing on my frog embroidery. 
I'll share with you on Saturday how much I get done. Nice to virtually been stitching with people all around the world.  
Have a great day - 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Starting Summer

With the winter storms all over the country right now the hope for Summer being started is probably in a lot of peoples dreams.  However that isn't the summer I am speaking of.  I am talking about the "Summer" pattern from Primitive Gatherings that I got when we went to Road to California with my friends. 

I worked on this the last couple days of January, doing some of the prep work. I've done a lot of wool applique and even a couple of wool crazy projects, but thought it would be a good idea to read the instructions.  One of the things they do different is once the wool shapes are all fused unto the interfacing

you zig zag the the edges together, stating that once the crazy stitches are done you won't see it. In previous ones I've done, I hand basted the pieces together until the crazy stitches were done.  It shows up better from the back. 
Here are some of my little pieces lined up ready to be trimmed and fused in place.

My work in Progress.

Here it is with all the little pieces fused down.
I have only been stitching on it at the Cottage sew days and after only a couple Fridays, this is what I've gotten done. 
I'll do all the stitching in each section with the applique, then go back and do the crazy stitches on the edges. 
I'm really having fun with this. Oldest Daughter and Son in Law are in town for a few days. We're thrilled about that, so just winging the stitching and sewing.  I'm not sure how much or how little I'll get done, but it's okay either way.
Have a Blessed day!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Inch by Inch

Unknown to me February is National Embroidery Month. Crabapple Hill Studio is having a stitch along. 
February Stitch along.  I traced the designs and colored them. 
Meg Hawkey posts each day how to stitch each square. I have been posting the pictures on Instagram but haven't shown them here.  

That's what I have done so far.  There will be another for today.  It's been my evening stitching.  Have a great day.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

February Omg

Okay - For February's One Monthly Goal I want AND need to wrap up the Bear quilt top.  The idea of this quilt started over 5 years ago. I have been working on it for about 3 1/2 years.  It has taken a long time for various reasons but really - it just needs to get done.  Quilting it will be another issue but I want to finish the top in the next 2 months.  

It is for my Sister, and so I'm letting her pick what goes where.  We decided that on the top and bottom I will put another pieced border.  Then we can put some other borders around the whole thing.  That way while she is still in town to tell me how she wants it done I can do it with out needing to wait for her to look at it.  Then maybe over the summer I can work on getting it quilted.  That would be great. 
I have other things I am doing this month with family coming to town and a retreat - but making this my one monthly goal will force me to not put it aside.  
Goal: Make the pieced blocks (16 I think) and the sashing for the top and bottom border and sew them on.  
Now I'm going to link this up to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts.  
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, February 1, 2019

February Line Up

Here's to February.  We have a lot going on here this month and it's a short month.  January seemed like a very long month and I got a lot of stuff done. 
Here was my January UFO that I listed and got done... 

It will be interesting to see how much I can do this month.  We have our family coming to visit for 5 days. Oldest daughter and husband, grand daughter, her husband and 3 children.  We are so excited.  Our middle great grandson will turn 4 while they are here and this will be the first time we get to see our great grand daughter in person.  
Then a week after they leave, I have a 4 day retreat.  That is where I'm hoping to get my February stuff done.  So Here's what I think I want  to work on and do this month. 
For my Quilting UFO.. Charming Fractions I need to get it pinned so I can quilt it. 

Next I will be making a quilt for my Daughter in law.  It may take me all 4 days, but I'm hopeful I will finish the top at retreat. Her birthday is December 31st.  That will give me a few months to get it quilted.   
I did some practice circles and feel like I can handle. 
Next I want to make another quilt for my oldest great grandson.  He had a baby quilt but he's almost 9 now.  Time for a new one.  I've been told he really likes Minecraft... but want to verify before I do all that work.  And since he will be here in person I can ask him and show him what I'm thinking.  Once I have the go ahead I will make some version of this....
 I saw several versions on Pintrest, and since I can talk to Carter I can make sure I make it with the characters he likes best. 
If I don't get to it at this retreat, I have two more in March so I can start it then. 
Other things for February - I have a couple quilt tops that need a border, then they will be ready to quilt.  
I also will be posting another post about my One Monthly Goal.  
I'm sure this is more than enough, considering that I will also have guild workshops and charity projects, and my hand stitching projects....  Oh my.  :)
Have a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...