Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Starting Summer

With the winter storms all over the country right now the hope for Summer being started is probably in a lot of peoples dreams.  However that isn't the summer I am speaking of.  I am talking about the "Summer" pattern from Primitive Gatherings that I got when we went to Road to California with my friends. 

I worked on this the last couple days of January, doing some of the prep work. I've done a lot of wool applique and even a couple of wool crazy projects, but thought it would be a good idea to read the instructions.  One of the things they do different is once the wool shapes are all fused unto the interfacing

you zig zag the the edges together, stating that once the crazy stitches are done you won't see it. In previous ones I've done, I hand basted the pieces together until the crazy stitches were done.  It shows up better from the back. 
Here are some of my little pieces lined up ready to be trimmed and fused in place.

My work in Progress.

Here it is with all the little pieces fused down.
I have only been stitching on it at the Cottage sew days and after only a couple Fridays, this is what I've gotten done. 
I'll do all the stitching in each section with the applique, then go back and do the crazy stitches on the edges. 
I'm really having fun with this. Oldest Daughter and Son in Law are in town for a few days. We're thrilled about that, so just winging the stitching and sewing.  I'm not sure how much or how little I'll get done, but it's okay either way.
Have a Blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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