Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February wrap up

What have I been up to? Well I just got done with a retreat and now I'm gearing up for the next one starting in just a few days.  At the retreat, I worked on the flag quilt that I'm hoping I can finish for my Daughter in law. 
I still need to put the borders on and then I can sandwich, pin and quilt.  
I also have been doing charity work for the guild.  We made adult bibs. 

I trimmed the Bee-utiful QAL blocks, then auditioned how I wanted to sash them then cut the fabric of the Sashing.
I also have cut sashing for my Bag ladies blocks. 
Now as I get ready for my next retreat.  I am sketching out the blocks I will be making for the Minecraft quilt.  
And started cutting out little squares of fabric.
So as I finish out this month I will be finishing up my prep for the next retreat and planning for March.
Hope you have a great day 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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