Here was my January UFO that I listed and got done...
It will be interesting to see how much I can do this month. We have our family coming to visit for 5 days. Oldest daughter and husband, grand daughter, her husband and 3 children. We are so excited. Our middle great grandson will turn 4 while they are here and this will be the first time we get to see our great grand daughter in person.
Then a week after they leave, I have a 4 day retreat. That is where I'm hoping to get my February stuff done. So Here's what I think I want to work on and do this month.
For my Quilting UFO.. Charming Fractions I need to get it pinned so I can quilt it.

Next I will be making a quilt for my Daughter in law. It may take me all 4 days, but I'm hopeful I will finish the top at retreat. Her birthday is December 31st. That will give me a few months to get it quilted.
I did some practice circles and feel like I can handle.
Next I want to make another quilt for my oldest great grandson. He had a baby quilt but he's almost 9 now. Time for a new one. I've been told he really likes Minecraft... but want to verify before I do all that work. And since he will be here in person I can ask him and show him what I'm thinking. Once I have the go ahead I will make some version of this....
I saw several versions on Pintrest, and since I can talk to Carter I can make sure I make it with the characters he likes best.
If I don't get to it at this retreat, I have two more in March so I can start it then.
Other things for February - I have a couple quilt tops that need a border, then they will be ready to quilt.
I also will be posting another post about my One Monthly Goal.
I'm sure this is more than enough, considering that I will also have guild workshops and charity projects, and my hand stitching projects.... Oh my. :)
Have a Blessed Day!
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