Friday, January 31, 2020

One Monthly Finish Up

I needed to go back to see exactly what I had stated as my goal that I linked up.  I just got home from a 4 day retreat last night.  As of this morning I still had a 3rd of the center vine to do and all of the little berries.  
Ta-Done... Whew!
So to recap - here is what I listed as my OMG this month.  

(Copied from original post) 
Okay to be fair I need to point out how much progress I want to make.  All of the applique has been stitched down.  Next I need to do the embroidery in the blocks and the crazy stitches. I want to get half of that done. I've put arrows to point out areas that I intend to do. 
1. The branches and blooms on the tree.
2. The vine and leaves around the word spring.
3. The vegetables by the shovels.
4. The raindrops with the umbrella.
5. And then the crazy stitches of vine that goes around the whole center. 
That's my goal for this month that I'm linking up. 
So I guess that means that I did meet my goal.  I wasn't sure there for a while I'd make it.  But now I need to finish this post and get it linked up.  
Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bag and Embroidery Prep

Some of our kids are in Texas and the rest are still in Oregon.  And since Oregon passed a law banning plastic grocery bags and making you bring your own I told my daughter that I would make her some re-usable ones.  Here is my first one for her. 
I did put batting in the straps I figured that would make them more comfortable and durable.  the strap is one long loop.  It is also lined. 

I also make a pillowcase for the Jack quilt with the left over fabric. 
Then yesterday I traced the the Inchies for the February stitch a long with Crabapple Hill Studios.  (click on other stuff, then downloads) 
Here it is after I colored it.
This will be going on in February which is International Embroidery month.  Every day we will stitch an Inch.  
Well that's it for now.  Hope you have a great day!
Blessings,  Lynn 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Jack is back!

Oh I wish I wouldn't let so many days go between posts, then I have to think harder on what all I've been up to.  :)  In general I've been dog sitting.  As I mentioned in my last post, our Ginger girl got spayed on Tuesday the 7th and it's been a new kind of crazy around here.  Thirty 34 pounds of muscle ramming the back of your legs with a cone.  Rrrrr.  :).
Keep her calm they said.  Don't let her run they said.  Ya right.  I know she is a mixed breed, I'm starting to wonder if she is not part greyhound.  LOL 
Anyway along with that I've been doing a lot of hand work... and I did get the Jack quilted.  I finished up the border and binding on it yesterday.   

And it glows in the dark. 
I also was able to work on my Spring wool table mat and make some progress.  I think I'll be able to reach my goal, I just need to finish the center crazy stitches. 

And just so she's not left out of the limelight, here are a couple of pictures of Ginger.  She got her cone off last night.  

Isn't she so pretty.  Okay got to get going.  Have a wonderful day.  I need to run some errands and then I'm hoping there is still some time to sew.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Only 5 days

In my last post for the One Monthly Goal I let the cat out of the bag so to speak about my falling off the "Focus" wagon of getting stuff done and only starting new things I already had in my stash. Well I caved in only 5 days.  Wow - that's horrible.  So here's where I tell you that my Sister and I are each making one, and they are gifts for our grandchildren.  And even though it was her pattern and not mine, we are both using my stash.  Does any of that make it better?  Probably not.  :) Oh well if I still have ufo's when I go to heaven, set a match to the pile and know I had fun while I was doing it.  :) 
So here's the pattern that derailed me - 
It's an advent calendar with 25 little pockets. 
In the pattern, they have colored the pictures and then it is embroidered. We are doing part wool applique and part embroidery.  We traced out larger squares on our muslin, and for the last few days we have been appliqueing the wool and tracing the embroidery parts.   Here are my 25 blocks. We left them all together so we don't have to try and embroider on a tiny little piece of fabric.
Here's a close up of a few of the blocks. 

 Once we get the applique whip stitched and the embroidery done  we will trim these to 2 1/2" and then add the border to make them into pockets.  I think there is also some embroidery in the borders too. Guess I figure that out when I get all these done.
This makes #4 of projects that are hand work that are in my current cue.
I am still working on an embroidered wall hanging for Halloween. 
I am about 1/2 done with the embroidery, and I already have the border blocks made.
There are the two wool crazy table mats - left to finish up, (Spring and Crazy) 

Everyday   Crazy Table Mat
(Picture from pattern cover)
And then the other is "Over the River and Through the Woods" Embroidery quilt.  I have one panel traced and have started the embroidery on it.
And I got all the flying geese and blocks cut out and will work on that at the retreat.  That I am sure is enough hand work for quite a while. 
In the last few days I also got the borders on this panel and got it sandwiched ready to quilt.  
It glows in the dark.
Not sure how I will quilt the part that glows.  I know there is glow in the dark thread I may need to get some.  This is for my granddaughter she really likes Jack.  
Okay that's what I've been up to for the last few days.  Oh Oh Oh and I cleaned my sewing room.  Like getting rid of dust elephants and putting away all the scraps kinda clean.  

My room is very big - approx 14 x 28 - so I share it with our Puppy crate and exercise equipment and add'l storage.  
And one more thing - Did I mention we have a puppy?  lol more like a bulldozer.  She's 34 pounds of pure muscle and doesn't know it.  She had surgery on Tuesday to get spayed.  They told us to keep the cone on her head and not let her jump or run for 10-14 days.  Oh ya right. We hate the cone more than she does, cause she runs into us full force and the edges of the cone hurt. She tore across the yard at 50 mph today and was jumping like a wild woman tonight. 
 Here she is on the way to the vet......

 Here she is the night she came home......

Like I said she is adjusting to the cone better than we are.  It's a lot of work taking on a new puppy, especially a big one - but I'm already in love with her. 
Have a blessed evening.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

First 2020 OMG

My head has  been going round round trying to decide which of my hundreds of projects I want to be my "One" monthly goal for the first month of 2020.  With a new year I get so excited I make my lists ready to conquer ufo's and new projects.  If you read my last post I was really in a tizzy about staying focused, getting stuff done and only starting new stuff I already had.  Uh hmmm 5 days ... I only lasted 5 days. Oh my, does it count that I'm using my stash to make the new thing.  I'll post more about that later but you're really here to see what my OMG is.  So with out further goal this month is to make progress on the "Spring" Wool  Crazy table mat. 

Okay to be fair I need to point out how much progress I want to make.  All of the applique has been stitched down.  Next I need to do the embroidery in the blocks and the crazy stitches. I want to get half of that done. I've put arrows to point out areas that I intend to do. 
1. The branches and blooms on the tree.
2. The vine and leaves around the word spring.
3. The vegetables by the shovels.
4. The raindrops with the umbrella.
5. And then the crazy stitches of vine that goes around the whole center. 
That's my goal for this month that I'm linking up. 
Now head back over to Elm Street Quilts and see the other goals. 
Have a great day! Lynn 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

2020 A New Year to Focus

It's already the 2nd day of a new year and a new decade. Usually I finish out the previous year with a recap of all I got done, and then do a big post of what I'm hoping to do in the new year.  
My goals are always to finish stuff up.  Last year I did better than most years and I'm hoping to be even better this year.  
Okay so for UFO's I have two types - WIP/UFO's and Quilt Tops/UFO's. 
 I made a list of most of the wip/ufo's and need to decide which one to work on first. 
Also I want to to quilt and finish all my quilt top/ufo's. 
Now here are the two small hurdles that I will work around but are cluttering my thoughts a little. 
1. My machine that I quilt with needs to be fixed again - so I will have to hold off on quilting until that is done.  I'm hoping within a couple weeks.
2.  I am going to go back to work for a while - not long maybe a couple years, but that of course will cut down on my sewing time a bit. (or a lot)  
So/Sew I guess even more than ever, I want to stay focused.  I want to get ufo's done.  And as much as I like to (and I'm sure I will) start new things, I really really want to limit new stuff, to stuff I already have... patterns and kits I have in my stash.  I bought them because I liked them - so I'm telling myself "then do them". :)
It's so easy to get distracted with all the "Squirrels" and "Shiney" things... so just keep reminding me - focus, focus, focus.  
Happy New Years my quilting friends let's see what we can accomplish. 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...