Tuesday, April 7, 2015

2015 UFO Busting Update

All people's quilts is doing a random number UFO buster. At the 1st of the year you were supposed to list 12 of the UFO's you wanted to work on and hopefully finish or get a lot farther on during the year.  Then on the first Monday of the month they randomly pick a number and whatever number they pick you work on that UFO as much as you can that whole month.  Well I did really good in January and February, I was able to complete each of those projects. March had a mind of it's own.  :)   But I did make progress.  It's a quilt called "Ruby Red Dot".  It uses applique, wool applique, and piecing. At the time of starting it, I was in a wool club.  Each month we would receive a pack of wool containing 6 or 7 pieces about 5x7.  It was hand dyed wool that was a specialty of the quilt shop I went to.  Anyway - the wool that we got at the time was nice and bright and didn't really match the blocks that were in the book, but I decided I would try to make the quilt using the colors we got anyway. 
So at the start of the month I had 8 1/2 blocks already completed. 

After working on it around other projects this last month I got the 1/2 block done  and one more block.  Not as much I wanted to get done. 

 I had hoped to be able to get the sashing pieces done and some of the friendship stars.  But that didn't happen.  
So I really thought about continuing on with it again this month, however I decided to go ahead with this months random number which is # 8 and according to my list that means a Quilt called "Folk Art Gathering"  by Shari Saffiote Payne.  It's a primitive quilt using homespuns and wool and also contains a lot of hand applique.   Here is what I have done so far, 

I chose to do mine in teal, brown and creams with an accent color of the muted burgundy to rose color.   Here's a close up of the bottom two left blocks - this row has the alphabet and I've started it.  

Can you see it around the crow and pineapple? 
Here is a picture of what needs to be done. This is taken from the pattern photo so it does not reflect how it will really look.  

I'll try to update through the month and let you know how I'm doing.  I don't think I'll be able to even get the top done this month, but It'll be fun to get back on this quilt and see what I can get done.  Have a Blessed Day!  

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