Sunday, April 12, 2015

Thursday - Friday and Beyond

Well I figured I could get away with finishing out the week in my title.  :)  And very fitting to explain what all I've been up to. 
On Wednesday I woke up feeling like I had the flu - so other than taking our normal walk, I stayed pretty close to home.  I tried to do a little sewing, but for the most part I just took it easy and took a nap. 
Thursday I felt a little better so we took our walk and then I was able to do a little more sewing.  In fact I was able to finish the top to the CRQ Charity quilt.   It is hard to see but I used the strips to make a rail pattern around the flag and strip of soldier fabric.  Then I had enough strips left over that I ended up piecing the back.
Here's the back!

Then Friday I sandwiched it and pin basted it.  So I can start quilting it any time now.  After I got that pinned, I put the borders on the next charity quilt, this is for the other guild I belong to the "Stitch N Rippits".  Then I needed to Piece the back and it was ready to sandwich.  By the time I got that done the tables to spread out on were filled so I worked on some other stuff.  

Then yesterday (Sat) I went to my free motion quilt class at Fabrics Unlimited. I asked and they didn't have any more classes for the day so they said I could spread out.  So I took advantage of that and pin basted that 2nd quilt too.  

I didn't make this quilt, only the borders and back.  So now I have two quilts to get quilted.  I used to just make the tops for charity and then give them to someone else to quilt.  But one of my friends said it's a great way to practice your free motion quilting on, so I not only decided to do one - I'm a glutton and decided to do two. One for each of the guilds.   

Today we're going to church and then I will start on these this afternoon.  We'll see how far I get.  
I'm sure I'll keep you posted on that. 
Have a Blessed Day!

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