Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Retreat Wrap Up

So Saturday started at 4:45 or so and we were off and having a groggy but fun time being the only ones that were in the sewing room at time in the morning.  We sewed (or traced  ha ha ) until about 7 when we headed to the buffet

They have a very nice buffet and I've eaten there before (that's where this picture came from) but on this morning - unknown to us, they had 6 tour buses and 200 people they were trying to get thru there and on their way.  Wow the place was packed.  So we got our table and took turns getting in line. This is where the funny comes in.  I know other countries are not always bothered by closeness, but I am.  I like to have my invisible bubble of  6-12 inches.  I give others space, because I want space.  Anyway... I had a man standing behind me and I'm telling my friend Barbara oh no here we go again, because I just had someone get really close to me in the line checking in the day before.  Well he is getting closer and closer and finally he's actually touching my back he is so close.  And even though I moved and shrugged he just kept it up.  I was extremely happy when we got to the actual buffet so I could literally get him off my back.  *pun intended*   :)  

Okay so we got thru that - whew and headed back up  - I did more tracing  - 

Then it was time for lunch.  I didn't get a picture of the spread they had for us again, but it was huge.  Pot Roast, Chicken, Salad, Cooked Vegetables, Rolls and triple layer Chocolate Cake.  Wow.  
I really tried to not over do especially after Friday night. 
Back to I at this point was to the cutting and fusing of things on to the appropriate colors of fabric.  And did that until dinner time.  Did I mention that we ate alot.  :)  
We had dinner at an Italian restaurant in the casino.  

Oh the dishes that were calling me - Chicken Parmesan, Ravioli, ....., but I was really wanting to keep it low level.  So I had soup, salad and 2 bread sticks.  They had Italian Wedding soup - one of my favs.  :)

Okay Sunday Morning I got up and was down there by 4 am.  I was ready to start fusing my pieces together and tried to do it with out tracing the placement on vinyl but that didn't work so I started tracing on the vinyl before breakfast - which they set up the buffet for us. 

There were pastries, mini muffins (yes I grabbed a mini bear claw later)  eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage and fruit. 
But I again was trying to be controlled after not feeling well Saturday morning. 
 So after breakfast I finished tracing the vinyl placement overlay and then finally got to start fusing some of the bear together during the final couple of hours before we had to pack up and head out.  

The pattern is written a little different than I am used to so that took a little time figuring out, but I think from here it should flow pretty quickly.  I calculated the time I spent on this and it's roughly 18-20 hours not including the time spent picking out fabric. 

So that pretty much wraps up the retreat  - it was so fun but as I said before I was so tired when I was done.  :)  

So before I end here's a couple pictures of my friends that I was sewing with.  


Linda and Katie
Ann and daughter Terri

I didn't get a picture of Vicki, Cheryl, Aggie or Barbara my early partners in crime - but I will.  :)  
All in all it was productive and I am so happy I went.  

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