Wednesday, September 30, 2015

October Goals

September came in slow but went out fast.   I only gave myself a few goals because I knew I had some really time sensitive projects that were also time consuming.  So let's see how I did -

1. Blogging More - Well I drew out my posts on the retreat and if you count this one will make 7 which matches the last couple of months.  I will say goal met -but I think I'm really stretching it.
2. Vintage Kitchen - Do the last stitchery - Complete - Goal Met.
3. Finish SNR Guild workshop project that I will be teaching in October.  - Complete - Goal Met. 
4. Bears -  :) Happy Dance.  Goal Met.  I have it traced on the vinyl, all of one is traced on the fusible and fused on the appropriate colors.  Cut out and started to fuse together.  
5. Work on things to sell at the craft fair - Goal Met.  I am adding to the collection of the little dolls and have even already sold 2.  

These are the two sets I've sold.  

September was pretty good.  

October Goals: 

1. Blog More Often
2. Continue with Craft Fair Items to sell. 
3. Make Progress on Bear.  Finish first one and start on 2nd. 
4. Mystery Monday if not cancelled and I can go -  complete project. 
5. Complete top of Halloween Wall hanging from SNR Table Runner. 

I think I better leave it small so I can stay focused again. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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