Monday, November 30, 2015

November wrap up December Goals

Well I have to say that November was a wonderful month.  I am not sure I remember a whole month that has has so many different things going on - that turned out so wonderful.

So to re-cap:

The first week of the month I helped out and worked at the local quilt shop while the owners were gone working two different shows.  That worked out just fine and I enjoyed my time there.   As the week wrapped up we headed to Vegas for our sons wedding - and that too was wonderful.

Then just a few short days after we got home from the wedding weekend my Sister Randi came for a visit - 

If you knew us growing up - this was not what you would see.  We fought like cat's and dogs. We are almost 8 years apart and understandably my 16 year old sister didn't want her 8 year old little sister being a tag a long.  But as we have grown up we have gotten very close.  I posted about our couple of weeks together in my prior posts here and here.   Okay and maybe here too.  *smile*  

It's already been a week since we took her to the airport :(  and then it was time for Thanksgiving.  We however had a very calm Thanksgiving just my honey and I this year and though we miss our children it was a very nice day and weekend.   It's been busy - but wonderful.  

Okay so now onto the sewing projects.  
My November goals were lite because I knew I had a lot going on. 

1.  Blog more - blog more often - at least 8 times.    Complete!   Gold star
2.  Mystery Monday - I was all excited and was even taking my sister - it was canceled.  So I don't think that counts against me.  Can't complete something that didn't happen.  
3.  Make box pouches for my Sister to give as presents.  We finished them all  - I don't think I can post pictures I can post a picture of the one I made for my Brother in law since he has already received it.  :)  I made him one a few months ago and then when I went to the craft fair - it was the only thing that I sold.  A lady wanted it and since it was the only thing anyone wanted and I knew I could make another - I sold it.  Here is the new one. 

I'll post picture of other gifts we made at a later date.  

4. Christmas stockings for both guilds for charity.  I didn't get a picture of the one I gave to the CRQ guild - but here are the two I made for SNR guild.  We were asked to make one each - but my friend Vicki wanted me to make one for her so I did two.  Last year I made really fancy ones but I couldn't find my patter to make them this year so this is what I did.  Goal completed - Gold Star.  

5.  Make progress on the bears -  I did, I did - I really really did.  Goal Complete - Gold Star.  
This is how the bear has been since the end of September - I haven't touched it since the retreat. 

Here is how it is now.   Here's the head.  

And here is how far I got on the body.  

Hard to see what's going on but there's 20 pieces of fusible applique in the body above.  I have 4-5 more to go and then I can start putting the legs and paws together.  

6.  Finish the 4 place mats for SNR guild charity - Done ( I had my sister help me with the binding)  But Complete and Goal Met.  Gold Star.  I did not have time to work on at the shop as I had anticipated. 

7.  Make the project sample for the SNR guild which is a Calendar holder.  Complete - Goal Met Gold Star.  

Gold Star Month - All Goals Met!!!!!!!!!!

 I have to say I can't remember the last time I completed all of my goals (if ever)  And I was concerned I wouldn't have time to do any of them.  And since my Sis wanted to make gifts I actually got to sew while she was here so win win.  :)   Okay on to the next -  

December Goals

1.   Keep Blogging more and more.  Try for 2 times a week - 8 times a month.  
2.  Continue progress on Bears  (Pictured above)
3.  Finish Bethlehem wall hanging.  I have the top done and the backing on.  Just need to blanket stitch around the whole thing and put hanging tabs on it.
4.  Finish Chicken Wall hanging for friends Christmas present.  I've been doing the top stitching this week in the evenings and  I have the top done now so just need to quilt and bind.  I need to have it ready by the December Business meeting which is only a week away though.  So gotta get cooking.  

5.  Finish Ornaments for friends  - Again need to get them done by next week.  

6.  Finish Challenge quilt for CRQ quilt show.  It's due by mid month.  I need to finish the hand stitching of center then attach borders, quilt and bind. The center is wool applique. 

7.  Mixer Cover.  I bought my Sister some fabric that I thought was cute - and thankfully she did too.  We raised sheep when we were growing up so for some reason we are drawn to cute lamb or sheep stuff.  I was going to make her a travel bag but she liked it so much she wants it to show and thought of a cover for her Kitchen Aid Mixer. I am waiting on measurements so I at least want to start it.  Bonus points if I can finish it.  Zoom in if you can - Isn't that the cutest? 

8.  Write fabric requirements for January's SNR Project -the Calendar Cozy pictured above.  Needs to be done by December  meeting in a week.   

Bonus points!

I am now the project coordinator for the SNR guild.  Which means I need to make project samples in advance and write up instructions.  (Or appoint someone else) However for the months that I am teaching - I need to get these project samples made in advance.  I need to show them a month in advance and give the supply list and or fabric requirements so they can prepare for it.  That being said any project I can get made up and or instructions written will be awarded Bonus points.  :)  My Blog my rules.  ha ha   I  have also been asked to design more of my wool felt wall hangings one for each season.  That will be another item that I'll be working on behind the scenes.  

So for this month - the things I'm listing specifically for bonus points: 

1. Write instructions for Calendar cozy.  Supply list due mid December, instructions due mid January
2.  Make the Armchair Pin Cushion and write supply requirements and instructions
3. Design Spring wool felt wall hanging and write supply requirements and instructions
4. Make lap quilt and write supply requirements and instructions. 

The first part of December is going to be very busy - Then the last part will be the time I'll have for my creative side.  Guess we'll see how it goes.  

Have a Blessed day

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving - Happy Life

It's been a very nice few days this week.   Tuesday I went to my weekly Open Sew at the local quilt shop where I was able to piece together the little embroideries that I had completed from the Vintage Kitchen BOM from Jenny of Elefantz.    This is the image of hers.

This is what I did.  Yep always gotta be different.  :)   

It obviously still needs to be quilted and bound - but it's getting closer.  

Then I helped out at the shop on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.  They needed to put together more kits for the Row by Row challenge that went on this summer - so I helped cut and put together some of those.  This is the one that our shop offered. 

I got the kit along time ago - just haven't put it together yet.  

Today is Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for so many things - mostly my wonderful family and friends.  But most of all I'm thankful for my God.  Without Him I am nothing and I would have nothing.  
We are too far away to have dinner with our Children - and we were blessed to be invited to some different dinners, but my best friend (aka: my husband) and I are going to spend the day together 
relaxing and doing whatever we feel like doing.  

May God Bless you and fill you with peace and joy not only today but always!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Driving Miss ... Randi

Friday's are normally my cottage day - but I'm still having fun with my Sister so we stayed at home and enjoyed being a little lazy.  We made a potato salad, then watched "The Proposal"  what a cute movie that is.  

Then we went to the Rodeo at the AVI Casino.  Yay!  
Normally I take all kinds of pictures and then wonder why since I really don't know any of these people.  So this time I didn't take very many and actually wanted a few to post.   There was a Mother, and Daughter that were both competing in the Barrel Racing,  They took 1st and 2nd place I thought that was wonderful.  The Mom whom took 1st, is a 2 time cancer survivor so that even made the victory sweeter.
That was the program jacket from last year but essentially the same. 

I always enjoy the rodeo clown.  This guy does a great job and has an intermission act where he actually jumps over the truck with the motorcycle. 

The other pictures I did take were when the bulls were in action so blurry.  The Bull Riding is my favorite and unfortunately only 2 riders stayed on so that section went way too quick. 
All in all - was a great day and great fun.  

Saturday - Sunday and Monday are a blur and went way way too fast. 

Saturday we finished one of the pillow case dresses so she had an example. 

Then we watched another movie.  John Wick.  Good movie very suspenseful.  

Sunday -  We were kinda lazy - took a drive and then had lunch out.  

We had fun taking some silly shots and they ended up turning out pretty good.  

Monday -  :(

 My Sis took us to Breakfast - Then we drove (Miss Randi)  her to Vegas to catch a plane.  


We both cried like babies as we said   goodbye  see ya soon!  She flew to Sacramento where she will meet up with her husband to spend the week with her Son, Daughter in law and Granddaughters.  
Here's a picture of Sis, Nephew and Niece at the girl's school for a "Tea Party".  :)  

Well that wraps up this years visit from my Sis - We had a great time.  I miss her a lot but that makes the visits so much more special.  Hoping to go see her in the spring. 
Love ya Sis - 
Blessings Everyone

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The 33

Wednesday is Senior day at the Brenden Theatres at Avi.  So Randi and I went to the movie "The 33"

Here's the Movie description:

Disaster strikes on Aug. 5, 2010, as a copper and gold mine collapses in Chile, trapping 33 men underground. With more than 2,000 feet of rock in their way, members of a rescue team work tirelessly for 69 days to save the seemingly doomed crew. Beneath the rubble, the miners begin an epic quest to survive, contending with suffocating heat and the need for food and water. With family, friends and the rest of the world watching, it becomes a race against time and a true test of the human spirit.

Very good movie - Intense but good.

Thursday we had my guild meeting to go to.  And since I am in charge of refreshments I put my Sis to work setting up tables and taking them down.  It all worked out great and all the food brought by people ended up being great.  Enchilada's, Taquito's and two different soups.  Yum!

Afterwards we did a little shopping. I needed to pick up a Birthday gift and then we checked out JoAnn's for some zipper pulls, and I took her to our 99 cent store - just fun hanging out.

Have a Blessed Day,

Shopping, Books and some Movies

After being here a year I still had not gone to the physical library and gotten a card.  I do a lot of books on tape so I was still able to download books from my prior library without going to the one here locally.  And when I say local, it really is maybe 2 miles from the house. :)  Reading books are one of the things that Randi and I have in common and enjoy discussing and sharing.  So of course, knowing that she was coming, I thought that would be a great time to check out the Library and get my card.  We had fun looking around and seeing what all they had to offer, and yes I got a card. 

 Then we checked out a local bookstore that I hadn't gone into either - yes within 2-3 miles also.  Hastings Bookstore - Wow that was a surprise and we had great fun there.  And found out that we can rent movies there usually for as little as 99 cents.  Score.  :)   So the rest of Monday ended up being movie day.   

 Neither of us had seen "Mall Cop 2" so that was fun, she had seen "It's Complicated" and I had seen "St Vincent" so that was fun too.   That pretty much wrapped up our Monday - but what fun.  Shopping, looking at books both at the Library and the store and then kick back with some good movies. 

Tuesday we went to sit n sew.  While I finished up the gifts for her she worked more on the pillow case dresses.  She got them as far as she could with out having the measurements.  So we worked on some Christmas stockings that I needed for the CRQ guild and at that point we wrapped it up and came home.  

Hope you are having as much fun as we are - 

Gifts and a Play

Well continuing on with my Sister's visit:

Saturday the 14th we stayed at home and did some sewing - we cut out a bunch of material to make ____ ______ for her to give for gifts.  Then I cut one out to give as a gift.  I may or may not be able to show you pictures - we'll have to figure out if they read my blog or not.  Hmmm.   So I'll show pictures later if it's okay.

Then after we were done with that - we started making pillow cases, This served two purposes, one so she knew how to make a pillow case and two because I wanted to show her how to make pillow case dresses for her twin granddaughters.   We will be finishing at least one of them  before she leaves so I will post a picture of it then.

Sunday the 15th we went to Lake Havasu City to see a play.  "The Secret Garden".  It was very similar to the movie, which I really like, however they made it into a musical.  They did a very good job and we enjoyed it a lot.

Aren't we cute waiting for the play to start? 

I had the best of both worlds sewing and plays and sharing it with my Sister.  It made for a great weekend.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Little Bits and a Visit

I knew that sewing was going to be on the slow side this month, but I did do a little bit on
Tuesday the 10th which is my Sit n Sew day at the local quilt shop -  and so this is what I created:

It's a little hard to see but it is a set of pillow cases.  Now I have a special set of pillow cases to go with each set of sheets we have for our bed.  Yay!  

Next:  I am now Vice President / Project Coordinator for the SNR Guild and so this will be our first project in January.  It is a calendar holder.  It's hard to see but it has a little pen holder and a pocket to hold a calendar.  I still need to finish the binding.  

Then my Sister arrived on Wednesday night the 11th - Yeah - Let the fun begin. 

Thursday was pretty low key - she had traveled 14 hours the day before so we just relaxed and laid low. 

Friday we went to the cottage so she could meet some of my friends and help me finish my charity place mats. I still needed to finish the hand sewing of the binding and so we sat there for a few hours doing that and visiting with people.  Sorry I thought I had a picture and wish I did they were pretty with birds and I did some free motion quilting on them.  Oh well.  

More adventures to come soon.  

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Mr. and Mrs.

Introducing:  Mr. and Mrs.  Reyes

Congratulations to our son Scott and wife Bri.  

November 7, 2015

They were married yesterday in Las Vegas at a nice little chapel that had a pretty little gazebo.  And since we only live about an hour and a half from Vegas we were able to attend.  Scott and Bri have been together for about 2 years and are in the process of adopting her nephew who is 5 now, so we are gaining a daughter-in-law and a grandson. But since they've been together for 2 years they've already been part of the family for a while now.  

And yesterday was our oldest grandson Jeremy's 17th Birthday so Happy Birthday Jeremy!

This picture is a little over a year old - but close.  :)  

So as you can see not a lot of sewing going on.  The week leading up to this, I didn't have a lot of sewing time either as I was helping out at the local quilt shop while the owners were doing a couple different quilt shows.  

Then this coming Thursday,  my Sister is coming to visit.  We will be doing a lot of laughing,  talking and running around - But we do have and a couple days that we plan to have a little bit of sewing going on.  :)   

In the meantime - I'll be doing a little hand stitching and grabbing a little sewing when I can.  Have a super Blessed day!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November Goals

Good Morning my fellow crafty people.  How are you this first day of November.  Did October go by in a flash or what.

Well how did I do on my October Goals?  So so.

1.  Blog more often -  Nope a fail.

2. Complete Bags for Craft Fair - Complete Goal Met!   Yay!

3.  Continue with Bears -  No progress!

4.  Mystery Monday  -  Complete Goal Met!   It's a Pop Up scrap container.

 5.  Complete Top of SNR Pumpkins - Complete Goal Met!  This was originally a table runner - but I wanted a wall hanging.  So I added the silhouettes of the bat, crow and cat.  I didn't get it quilted but I have a year to get it done for next Halloween.  See I'm just very ahead.   :)

Not Listed Extra Projects that I completed:

Charity Hearts for Premature Babies.  I didn't get a picture but I made nine of them out of flannel.  Moms put them next to their skin and then put in the bed with the baby so the baby gets the scent of their Mom.

Set of Place-mats for the Craft Fair -  I had fun FM Quilting these.  More detail than they needed but it was fun.

Little Sling Purses for the Craft Fair -  The red one doesn't have a pocket but the rest do.

Lined Gift Bags for the Craft Fair -

So October was full of sewing - just not all of what I planned.  


Not sure what I want to list here.  I will be working at the local quilt shop for a week so  I don't think a lot of sewing will be happening. It's only four to five hours a day, but by the time I get meals done ahead of time for lunches and then planning for dinners and also we'll be gone the weekend I finish up because our Son is getting married in Vegas.  So I will close the shop on Friday and we will be on our way.  So not sure how much sewing will happen in the evenings when I get home.  :)  Then we will come home on Sunday afternoon, may be helping at shop again on Monday and then my Sister will be here on Wednesday for 2 weeks.  Yay!  We are going to be so busy going here and there, and not sure much sewing will happen. Then I'll have one week of the month left.  So I'm saying all that to remind myself that Novembers list needs to be small.  :) 

1.  Blog more, Blog more often, Blog at least 8 times.   I  list that and then I laugh and laugh,  :) 

2.  Mystery Monday - My Sister will be here while that is happening.  I'm going to see if she will do it with me.  If she will - I will say that we will complete the project.  

3.  My Sister wants to make some Box Pouches/Travel Bags for presents.  I think we will be making seven of them.  So my goal will be to finish 6-7 of them. 

4.  The CRQ guild is making Christmas Stockings for the fire department to give out for charity.  So Sis and I will make some of those.  Not sure how many.  

5.  The Bears - Possibly in the month but if not in the week I have at the end of month.  Work on the Bears and make progress. 

6. Finish the 4 place mats I am doing for SNR guild charity project - "Meals on Wheels" . Each month we have a charity project.  One Item that we each can do for a charity.  Not everyone participates but I try to do a few of whatever each month. Anyway,  I just have the hand stitching to do on the binding and could possibly do that while I'm at the shop this week. 

7. Make the project sample of a calendar holder that will be the workshop project for January.  I need to work these up ahead of time because the need to be presented at the meetings the month before they are to be done.  

In all honesty I don't think I will have time for anything else.  There is another craft fair the first weekend in December and if I decide to go I may make up a couple more doll bags to replace the ones I gave away and the couple I sold to friends.  The bags and blankets go pretty quick - it's the little clothes that take time. 

Okay - It's in print - so the challenge is on.  
We're going to go take our walk pretty soon and then I think I'll come home and start on the calendar holder.  I have today and tomorrow before my busy month starts and I want to take advantage of it.  

Hope you have a blessed month,

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...