Monday, November 30, 2015

November wrap up December Goals

Well I have to say that November was a wonderful month.  I am not sure I remember a whole month that has has so many different things going on - that turned out so wonderful.

So to re-cap:

The first week of the month I helped out and worked at the local quilt shop while the owners were gone working two different shows.  That worked out just fine and I enjoyed my time there.   As the week wrapped up we headed to Vegas for our sons wedding - and that too was wonderful.

Then just a few short days after we got home from the wedding weekend my Sister Randi came for a visit - 

If you knew us growing up - this was not what you would see.  We fought like cat's and dogs. We are almost 8 years apart and understandably my 16 year old sister didn't want her 8 year old little sister being a tag a long.  But as we have grown up we have gotten very close.  I posted about our couple of weeks together in my prior posts here and here.   Okay and maybe here too.  *smile*  

It's already been a week since we took her to the airport :(  and then it was time for Thanksgiving.  We however had a very calm Thanksgiving just my honey and I this year and though we miss our children it was a very nice day and weekend.   It's been busy - but wonderful.  

Okay so now onto the sewing projects.  
My November goals were lite because I knew I had a lot going on. 

1.  Blog more - blog more often - at least 8 times.    Complete!   Gold star
2.  Mystery Monday - I was all excited and was even taking my sister - it was canceled.  So I don't think that counts against me.  Can't complete something that didn't happen.  
3.  Make box pouches for my Sister to give as presents.  We finished them all  - I don't think I can post pictures I can post a picture of the one I made for my Brother in law since he has already received it.  :)  I made him one a few months ago and then when I went to the craft fair - it was the only thing that I sold.  A lady wanted it and since it was the only thing anyone wanted and I knew I could make another - I sold it.  Here is the new one. 

I'll post picture of other gifts we made at a later date.  

4. Christmas stockings for both guilds for charity.  I didn't get a picture of the one I gave to the CRQ guild - but here are the two I made for SNR guild.  We were asked to make one each - but my friend Vicki wanted me to make one for her so I did two.  Last year I made really fancy ones but I couldn't find my patter to make them this year so this is what I did.  Goal completed - Gold Star.  

5.  Make progress on the bears -  I did, I did - I really really did.  Goal Complete - Gold Star.  
This is how the bear has been since the end of September - I haven't touched it since the retreat. 

Here is how it is now.   Here's the head.  

And here is how far I got on the body.  

Hard to see what's going on but there's 20 pieces of fusible applique in the body above.  I have 4-5 more to go and then I can start putting the legs and paws together.  

6.  Finish the 4 place mats for SNR guild charity - Done ( I had my sister help me with the binding)  But Complete and Goal Met.  Gold Star.  I did not have time to work on at the shop as I had anticipated. 

7.  Make the project sample for the SNR guild which is a Calendar holder.  Complete - Goal Met Gold Star.  

Gold Star Month - All Goals Met!!!!!!!!!!

 I have to say I can't remember the last time I completed all of my goals (if ever)  And I was concerned I wouldn't have time to do any of them.  And since my Sis wanted to make gifts I actually got to sew while she was here so win win.  :)   Okay on to the next -  

December Goals

1.   Keep Blogging more and more.  Try for 2 times a week - 8 times a month.  
2.  Continue progress on Bears  (Pictured above)
3.  Finish Bethlehem wall hanging.  I have the top done and the backing on.  Just need to blanket stitch around the whole thing and put hanging tabs on it.
4.  Finish Chicken Wall hanging for friends Christmas present.  I've been doing the top stitching this week in the evenings and  I have the top done now so just need to quilt and bind.  I need to have it ready by the December Business meeting which is only a week away though.  So gotta get cooking.  

5.  Finish Ornaments for friends  - Again need to get them done by next week.  

6.  Finish Challenge quilt for CRQ quilt show.  It's due by mid month.  I need to finish the hand stitching of center then attach borders, quilt and bind. The center is wool applique. 

7.  Mixer Cover.  I bought my Sister some fabric that I thought was cute - and thankfully she did too.  We raised sheep when we were growing up so for some reason we are drawn to cute lamb or sheep stuff.  I was going to make her a travel bag but she liked it so much she wants it to show and thought of a cover for her Kitchen Aid Mixer. I am waiting on measurements so I at least want to start it.  Bonus points if I can finish it.  Zoom in if you can - Isn't that the cutest? 

8.  Write fabric requirements for January's SNR Project -the Calendar Cozy pictured above.  Needs to be done by December  meeting in a week.   

Bonus points!

I am now the project coordinator for the SNR guild.  Which means I need to make project samples in advance and write up instructions.  (Or appoint someone else) However for the months that I am teaching - I need to get these project samples made in advance.  I need to show them a month in advance and give the supply list and or fabric requirements so they can prepare for it.  That being said any project I can get made up and or instructions written will be awarded Bonus points.  :)  My Blog my rules.  ha ha   I  have also been asked to design more of my wool felt wall hangings one for each season.  That will be another item that I'll be working on behind the scenes.  

So for this month - the things I'm listing specifically for bonus points: 

1. Write instructions for Calendar cozy.  Supply list due mid December, instructions due mid January
2.  Make the Armchair Pin Cushion and write supply requirements and instructions
3. Design Spring wool felt wall hanging and write supply requirements and instructions
4. Make lap quilt and write supply requirements and instructions. 

The first part of December is going to be very busy - Then the last part will be the time I'll have for my creative side.  Guess we'll see how it goes.  

Have a Blessed day

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