Monday, November 23, 2015

Driving Miss ... Randi

Friday's are normally my cottage day - but I'm still having fun with my Sister so we stayed at home and enjoyed being a little lazy.  We made a potato salad, then watched "The Proposal"  what a cute movie that is.  

Then we went to the Rodeo at the AVI Casino.  Yay!  
Normally I take all kinds of pictures and then wonder why since I really don't know any of these people.  So this time I didn't take very many and actually wanted a few to post.   There was a Mother, and Daughter that were both competing in the Barrel Racing,  They took 1st and 2nd place I thought that was wonderful.  The Mom whom took 1st, is a 2 time cancer survivor so that even made the victory sweeter.
That was the program jacket from last year but essentially the same. 

I always enjoy the rodeo clown.  This guy does a great job and has an intermission act where he actually jumps over the truck with the motorcycle. 

The other pictures I did take were when the bulls were in action so blurry.  The Bull Riding is my favorite and unfortunately only 2 riders stayed on so that section went way too quick. 
All in all - was a great day and great fun.  

Saturday - Sunday and Monday are a blur and went way way too fast. 

Saturday we finished one of the pillow case dresses so she had an example. 

Then we watched another movie.  John Wick.  Good movie very suspenseful.  

Sunday -  We were kinda lazy - took a drive and then had lunch out.  

We had fun taking some silly shots and they ended up turning out pretty good.  

Monday -  :(

 My Sis took us to Breakfast - Then we drove (Miss Randi)  her to Vegas to catch a plane.  


We both cried like babies as we said   goodbye  see ya soon!  She flew to Sacramento where she will meet up with her husband to spend the week with her Son, Daughter in law and Granddaughters.  
Here's a picture of Sis, Nephew and Niece at the girl's school for a "Tea Party".  :)  

Well that wraps up this years visit from my Sis - We had a great time.  I miss her a lot but that makes the visits so much more special.  Hoping to go see her in the spring. 
Love ya Sis - 
Blessings Everyone

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