Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving - Happy Life

It's been a very nice few days this week.   Tuesday I went to my weekly Open Sew at the local quilt shop where I was able to piece together the little embroideries that I had completed from the Vintage Kitchen BOM from Jenny of Elefantz.    This is the image of hers.

This is what I did.  Yep always gotta be different.  :)   

It obviously still needs to be quilted and bound - but it's getting closer.  

Then I helped out at the shop on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.  They needed to put together more kits for the Row by Row challenge that went on this summer - so I helped cut and put together some of those.  This is the one that our shop offered. 

I got the kit along time ago - just haven't put it together yet.  

Today is Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for so many things - mostly my wonderful family and friends.  But most of all I'm thankful for my God.  Without Him I am nothing and I would have nothing.  
We are too far away to have dinner with our Children - and we were blessed to be invited to some different dinners, but my best friend (aka: my husband) and I are going to spend the day together 
relaxing and doing whatever we feel like doing.  

May God Bless you and fill you with peace and joy not only today but always!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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