Monday, February 29, 2016

February Progress Report March Wish List

Remember when you were in school and there were times you were excited to see your progress report and then other times - not so much.   Well this month was very busy and interesting and productive, but maybe just not like I planned.   Let's see how I did.

1.  Make labels and attach to the two quilts I'm entering into the quilt show, then deliver by 2/3.  Completed  Here are the Labels - and did you see my post where I bragged I mean mentioned that I got ribbons on both.  You can see that post Here.  

2. Finish the clothes for the doll  in the doll bags.  Due 2/11    Completed

3.  Price all the items I want to sell in the Quilt Show Boutique and make my inventory sheet for them (and me).   Due 2/11.     Completed   I sold 3 Dolls in a bag and got a special order for another Baby Doll in Purple so I made another of those.  

4.  Scavenger Block for SNR Guild.  February Items are  Basket, Shamrock and Turtle.   I have some Ideas already.     Completed.   I wanted to weave both the Turtle shell and the basket but it didn't work like I wanted it to.  I also have some turtle fabric that I may put around the border.  I have until March 8th, so we'll see.  

5.  Quilt one item.  I'm thinking Beehive Baby.  I also need to finish the poinsettia quilt from last month so I'm only listing one this month.   Goal Met ( I think)  
Well this is one of the items that went a little unexpected  - I did quilt one item so I guess that would be considered a goal met.  However it was not Beehive Baby.  I ended up making an all new baby quilt for my husbands friend's little girl. She is 4 months old.   So it's not the one I originally stated but it is a quilted item so I guess it counts. 

So this one didn't get done 
6.  Continue on with Woodsy Quilt Bears.   I want to finish the tracing and at least start fusing to the appropriate colors of fabric.  Nope I didn't get to this one this month.  

7.  UFO Busting. I will work on the UFO that is picked by the random number.    Goal Met.  (Barely)

This is the one that was picked.    I did make a little progress on it - but very little.  Glad I have another chance for it sometime this year.  

#5 and 11  My Favorite Things

Here is what I got completed.  I had intended to work on it at the cottage on Friday's however with the quilt show one weekend and the retreat the next that wiped out 2 of my potential sewing days to work on it. Then the only remaining Friday was Charity Friday so I only had one day of stitching that I actually worked on it.  

I finished the whip stitches and got the leaves on the two branches on the right.  Sad but true!

Ok moving on. 

8.   Power sewing - :)  -  I have a retreat on the 18th thru the 21st.  I want to take a couple more of my UFO's and see if I can knock them down.  I really should just take one thing and just see if I can get that one thing done, but I'll pack several and see what I come up with.  Here's what I think I'll take, but reserve the right to change my mind.  Goal is to make good progress on what I take. 
Goal Met!!!  

I took this one-
Snowman Collector - I have 8 or 10 blocks fused, and about 4-6 top stitched.  This is my second oldest UFO.  I know that because it was one of Two of my very first BOM's.  Which means I probably started this in 2010.  So it would be very nice to get this done.  :)  The other older UFO is a quilt as you go that I should have been done with then.  Ha! 

Here is the progress  I made on this one -  I top stitched the ones on the top and bottom row.  

I didn't take the other two projects I thought I would but ...... 

I took the next goal on my list.  

9.  I want to work on and finish or be close to finishing the train quilt for our grandson Caleb.  He will be 6 at the beginning of March, it would be nice if I could have that done for his Birthday.  I may end up taking it to the retreat. 

 I'm not real close to finishing so I guess I didn't meet this goal.  

Here is the progress I made at the retreat. 

I got the  panel trimmed and put the 5 borders on. Then I fused some of the trains on but then I stopped so I could position the letters on it and then put the other trains on it. 

10.  Make up instructions for Arm Chair pincushion.  Due by 2/23.     Completed

11.  Continue to Blog more a min of 8 times per month.  Completed

12.  Gifts - I want to applique on the Tea Towels I got so I'll say at least get started on them.   Completed.

Here are the Tea towels that I have gotten prepped and have started working on for gifts: 

Here is the thread catcher pin cushion that I made for a gift for a friend.  It's got a strap and a little pair of scissors.  
And a matching Needle Book. 

And  here are the security blankets that I made at the cottage for charity Friday.  These are to give to babies and children that are being taken out of their homes to hang on to for security.  

This had fleece on the back.

I made two of these. 

This one was two pieces of cotton so I put batting in and put a binding on it. 

 I also brought home 2 more to do and am going to make up some from the flannel I have here at home too.  

I didn't get everything done - but I did do a lot.  I also noticed that I did stuff that wasn't on the goal list.  Which is going to help me with the next couple of month's list.  

So what's up for March?  

In March my brother in law will be here for a couple of weeks and on the 31st I will we leaving to go to Oregon to see Sister.  We will also be visiting my Dad and visiting our youngest daughter and the grand kids. I will be gone for 11 days so I will be using part of March to cook ahead for my hubby and also to prep for the trip.  That being said, my list is still long.  

1.  March SNR Guild Scavenger Hunt Block -  Mittens, Black Bird and Golf Tees.  
2. UFO Buster # _____________  TBA
3. Gifts - Continue with gift making. Work on the dish towels and other things as they come up.  I am making a sewing mat for my friend Ronnie I'll be using this fabric here. 

4. Quilt Something.  Not sure what - It can be little or big - just do some quilting is better than not at all. I'd like to finish the Poinsettia quilt or do the Beehive Baby... But any progress towards getting these tops done will be awarded.  :) 

5. Buttermilk Basin is doing a BOM  "Let it Snow"  Finish the E block and prep the T Block. 

6. Something came up. -   I always have something that comes up - or something that catches my Eye that I just really want to work on that wasn't part of the plan - So I'm Planning for the Un-Planned.  I'll let you know if something comes up and what it ends up being. :)

7.  Cooking - I need to prepare food to cover while I'm at the retreat for 3 days for my 
husband and Brother-in-law. Then at the end of the month I will be gone for 11 days.  From  3/31 - 4/10.  I know my hubby will eat out some while I'm gone - I just don't want it to be every meal.  So I need to Prep a few items for breakfasts, lunches and dinners that he can microwave.  He does not cook at all - coffee - that is it.  :)  

8.  SNR Guild - we are having a hand quilting workshop.  We made this block this month it is paper pieced and is not finished.  We'll finish our blocks and then Hand quilt them.  

9.  CRQ Guild - we are having a cut n Fold Candle Mat at the end of the month.  At least start it.  It will look similar to this. 
10.  New - Unplanned -  Much like #6 I seem to always have a new project that comes up that I want to do or need to do - like make a baby quilt in a weekend - :)  so I am giving myself the option to start something new that is unplanned.  If I don't it won't count against me.  

11. Retreat  - I have another retreat this month.  I am not sure what to bring.  It won't be as long as this last one was - we had Thursday evening thru Sunday afternoon.  This one is Friday mid morning until Sunday around noon.   Here are a few of my ideas of things to work on:

Caleb's Train Quilt 
Snowman Collector 
The Bears  
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Savannah Flair

I'll have to let you know what I decide to do.  I have too many UFO's to choose from.  LOL

12.  Blogging - As often as I can - and shoot for a minimum of 8 times.  

Well I've given myself a couple of "Not Like I Planned"  outs this month and tried not to be so rigid so I can wiggle a little but still listing things to help me stay a little focused too.  

And of course I'll keep you posted along the way.  
Have a Blessed Month.  

Friday, February 26, 2016

Creative Sewing and Cooking

Yesterday I got a little time in my sewing room.  I had another order for a Baby Doll - Doll in a bag so I got that finished up.

Here she is in her little dress.  She's not sitting very lady like.  :)

And here she is in her Nightie with her quilt, blanket, pillow, dress, jumpsuit and of course her Bag.  
Then when I was done with that I worked on a Thread Catcher - Pin Cushion that I started on Tuesday.  I did the hand stitching last night and now it is already to go.  
I've made one similar to this but this was the first time with this pattern.  It was relatively easy and I think I'll make some more for gifts.  It has the little pocket to put your scissors in and the strap to hold the scissors.  I'm really liking it.  
Then is was time for dinner.  We usually have a salad with our dinner and I was too lazy to go to the store.  We're trying to keep our carbs down so I was thinking about what else I could make.  So I'm looking at this flavored rice mix thinking it could be a cheat night- until I looked at the calories for 1/2 cup serving  - (who eats only 1/2 cup of flavored rice - oops I don't)  Nah I'll pass on that.  So then I thought about the tomato and cucumber salad that has the oil and vinegar dressing.  We love that.  So that is what I made.  It's funny how missing a few items in the fridge or pantry can bring out my creativity.  Too bad I couldn't do that all the time I love cooking - just struggle with what to make.  
We had BBQ'd meat a couple days ago and so I warmed us each up a piece of meat, and made the veggies - it was very good.  And Hubby loved the Tomato, Cucumber salad. 

Today I'm headed to the cottage - it's charity day and we are making security blankets for children that are taken out of their homes.  They are given the blanket to hang on to and hug when they are scared. 
Have a super great Blessed Day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

From Concerts to Retreats

I need to play catch up again because it really seems to be my MO to let my blogging time slip away.   Okay  When I last left off before the Bag Lady post - I was sharing that we were going to the "Little River Band" Concert.  Well it was very nice and we had a great time.
We had really good seats - 8th row.  :)

It was a very nice Saturday night out and great music. 

Sunday morning we slept in a little and then got the sad news that Mrs. Shop Owners Mom had passed.  It's a relief to know that she is not suffering but hard for all of us that knew and loved her, especially her daughters, husband and grandchildren.  They are holding a memorial for her on March 4th.  I again will be helping at the shop to facilitate a potluck after the service.  

Monday - we did a little running around and had some lunch out.  Picked up a couple of belts for myself. and got our taxes ready to mail out. 

Tuesday  - I worked at the shop - Mr. Shop Owner had asked me to on Saturday and given that her Mom passed on Sunday morning that was a good call.  I was actually pretty busy so the time went by fast and Mr. Shop Owner came in and relieved me by 2 pm so not too bad.  Also I didn't have a meeting or a workshop at the cottage so I was able to just come home.  

Wednesday - was another run around day.  We hadn't mailed the taxes yet so we went to the post office and then we went to cottage and picked up my quilts that were at the quilt show.  Hubby and I stopped by the shop to check on them.  Mr. Owner talked to us. Mrs. Owner was in the back but we didn't want to bother her.  Then we stopped by Jo Ann's and picked up a sewing machine case.  My granddaughter had given me a gift certificate for my Birthday in October and I hadn't used it yet - so with the upcoming retreat this weekend it was a great time to use a coupon and my certificate and get the rolling cases.  I'm really liking it.  I had fun the rest of the day organizing my sewing tools and notions in the other little cases.  There are 3 plus the main sewing case.    :)  

Then I got the rest of my projects ready that I wanted to take to the retreat.  I want to work on the train quilt for Caleb and one of my oldest UFO's Snowman Collector. 

Thursday - morning was our CRQ Guild Business meeting.   We got our Challenge quilts from the show back and got some preliminary numbers on the quilt show but won't know for sure until they get all the expenses in.  Sounds like we did pretty good. There were more than 700 that came through the door.  Awesome!  
Then I came home and finished packing my stuff and took a nap.  I knew it was going to be a long weekend so I wanted to get what rest I could before I went.  I've been battling some sinus problems and feel a bit tired to begin with.  Then we headed over to the Tropicana to check in and set up for the sewing retreat.  The hotel was letting us set up our sewing stuff on Thursday Afternoon instead of Friday morning so we booked another night and were able to sew for a few extra hours.  Double Yay!!!  Non quilters don't understand - but it's great.  Let the Party Begin.   

This is the view behind where I was sitting.  I had my back to the room but was facing the door - so I actually got to see everyone that was coming and going.  :)  Good and bad I think I did way more talking this weekend than I've done at previous retreats.  

We stayed up until almost 11pm on Thursday night and then got up and started sewing around 4am on Friday morning - we're animals.   These retreat are about sewing - talking and eating.  I didn't get a picture of breakfast, but here was our lunch on Friday.  I love deli sandwiches. 

I started working on my Train Quilt for Caleb.  
I need to put the 5 borders on the panel I had 2 small 1 large and then 2 more small and then I could put the trains on. 
So here are the 1st 3 borders
Then with all 5 borders - now to put on the trains.  ... But wait, hmmm I'm getting input from others.  Maybe it would be cut to put his name on there.  Like Caleb's Express - or Caleb's Railroad.  
So I'm plotting which way and where the trains need to go.  My friend Barbara said she could cut the letters out on her AccuGo Cutter.  
And guess what 2 days after retreat she's done and sent them to me.  Wow this Lady is amazing. 
After I get the letters on I will then add extra train cars to go around them, but this is how far I got with the quilt at the retreat.  

For dinner we had a salad bar.  We were heading down to the quilt shop - Mrs. Owner was having a chocolate party for us.  She dips all kind of stuff in chocolate.  It's awesome.  Also we shop and get a discount for being part of the retreat.  This will be the first time we'll see them since her Mom passed.    It was emotional.  Her Dad came up to me and thanked me for running the store so they could be with him in the last days, that choked me up.   Then she looked me in the eye while cutting fabric for someone and said thank you so much for all you did and do.  I couldn't talk - I just blew her a kiss.  

Then when we were driving back to the hotel/casino we got a big surprise... An old oil filled transformer had blown and caught on fire and knocked the whole city of Laughlin NV out of power.  And the generators couldn't keep up. 
So what do you do while you can't sew and can't Iron - you trace on fusible and you trim blocks and cut fabric.  I traced on fusible 

This is one of the Row by Row kits from Kansas.  It was so cute I just wanted It.  I don't know what I'm going to do with it - but I wanted to do it.  So while I couldn't sew I traced it all out. 

So we sat around the sewing room for awhile but when they said it could be 2 am before it come back on one of my friends and I braved the 6 flights to her room to check it out or get a pillow for a slumber party.  Once we got there and realized it was fine.  We went back down for our purses and others and did the walk again.  We dropped her off at the 6th floor and then continued to 10th floor where the rest of us had rooms.  Here is the view from my room looking across Casino Drive looking at Colorado Belle.  If you look really hard you can see it.  
Ya it was pretty dark.   I just laid on the top of the bed and zonked out.  About 1/2 hour to 45 mins after I laid down - the power was restored.   Needless to say I slept in the next morning.  Not a lot but until 5:30 am.  :)

So first off I went ahead and Ironed the fusible to row by tow kit.  Then I got started on one of my oldest UFO's  - Snowman Collector. 

I had all these fused on and some of them top stitched - the ones in the second row were stitched, but needed to finish the top stitching on the top and bottom rows - it takes a lot longer than you think.  
This took me the rest of Saturday and what time I had on Sunday before I left around 1pm.  Of course I always think I can get way more done but I am happy with all I did get completed.  I have another Retreat next month - we only get Friday and Saturday and I'm not sure yet what I'm taking to work on but I'm sure I'll have fun. 
Here are a few other pictures I took at the retreat. 
Friend Barbara's VW Bug Quilt
 Saturday Nights Dinner.

A Lady name Cheryl's Quilt 

My Friend Aggie - This is one of 2 quilt tops she made.
Well That's about it.  I get wrapped up in the fun and forget to take more pictures. 
Monday was a relaxing day of resting after my busy weekend. 
Tuesday I went to the shop for my regular Open Sew - was able to have some one on one time with both of the shop owners.  It was good.  I worked on a Birthday gift for a friend.  Pictures later.  Then Tuesday night I had a workshop for SNR guild at the cottage.  Pictures of that later when it's finished.  We did a paper pieced block that we'll use for next month to hand quilt. 
That's brings it up to speed.  Wow - it was a busy week. 
Have a Blessed day

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...