Saturday, February 13, 2016

First and Third

This week has been a hard one and a wonderful one.  I have worked a lot this week at the local quilt shop.  The Owners of the quilt shop are Husband and wife.  The wife whom I'll - Mrs. Owner - her Mother is not doing well.  She has been in and out the hospital over the last couple of months and is now home with hospice.   :(   She used to be a big part of the shop also and we all know her and love her.  That's been rough for us sewers too.   So I worked All day Tuesday and Wednesday and then pretty much all day Thursday.  This is also the weekend of the CRQ quilt show. The shop was planning on being there to display their quilting machines because they are Handi Quilter Dealers, and originally I was going to work the booth with Mrs. Owner at the show.  But with all that's going on they decided to just take the machines to have there with flyers would be better than pulling out all together.  So on Thursday my husband helped  Mr. Owner load up the machines and set them up at the show while I watched the shop.  When they were done, we ate some lunch and then hubby and I went home and Mr. Owner stayed until closing.   Then Today hubby and I went and helped him load up the machines and bring them back to the shop.
I hate the reason that I had for working this week - but have to say it's been fun and I had fun with some customers too.  I even saw a couple of them at the quilt show when I went.
Okay on to the quilt show.  Since Mr. Owner took over for Friday - Hubby and I were able to go to the quilt show.  And I was so happily surprised.  I got a 3rd place and a 1st place ribbon on the quilts I entered.  :)
Here is Sweet Land of Liberty:

And it's 3rd place ribbon.  :)

Now here is my Sea Turtles: 

And it's 1st Place Ribbon

This was extra special for the fact that I did the piecing and quilting on this and it got 1st.  
(Yes I'm in shorts in February) 

I really didn't have full confidence with my free motion quilting and this is just - Wow.  I want to use this as an inspiration to keep going.  

Okay because I was working in the shop I have not been sewing much but have managed to finish up a couple of things.  First is my "L" Block for the Buttermilk Basin  "Let it Snow"  BOM. 

I started this some time after the 15th of last month and the next letter should be coming out around the 15th of this month. 
  And the other thing I finished was a sewing mat that goes under your machine for my friend Vickie.  Her Birthday was the 2nd and she asked for one so I said sure.  Her and I have a love for working with wool so I put a couple of wool flowers at the bottom on the pocket. 

That's about it for now.  I've started and I'm almost done with the February Scavenger block, but I'll wait to show you that until I get it finished, And I also fused a humming bird on a tea towel to make and have ready for a gift.  I will be doing a black blanket stitch around all the pieces. 

That's it for now.  I did my house cleaning today and we are leaving a little bit to go to see "The Little River Band"  So hopefully after we sleep in tomorrow I can get up and get some sewing done.  
Have a Blessed Evening

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...