Friday, May 13, 2016

Have a Seat

As a Quilter sometimes I get stuck in a box of I can't do that - I'm a quilter.  But I do like other crafts and projects so sometimes I just have to break out of that box.  And it helps to have a husband that has tons of faith in my abilities - more so than I have of myself.  In saying that, sometimes its also scary and frustrating to be pushed outside of your comfort zone.  So what's all this about you ask?  We had some dining chairs that were in really bad shape.  So bad that I'm not going to show you a picture.  Well we dealt with them - but our cousins are coming for a visit and it's like - those look really bad......   So we went shopping and we were at the point of, if we're going to spend that much we could by a whole new dinning set. :(   So finally we found four chairs at a thrift shop.  They were perfect for our table and dining area.  The seats were in good shape, but were a little dirty.  We thought about just cleaning them,  or should we re-cover them.  So here is where we go out of the comfort zone.  This quilter and her husband - re-covered 4 dining chairs.  And even though we had some challenges figuring a few things out,  and having to buy a new staple gun because they don't make staples for our old one any more....  We have 4 pretty new chairs.


Not really too bad. 

But here it the after:

They turned out really nice.
And the bottom is finished nicely - looked just as nice as the finish on the original.  

Here's a picture of  them at our table with the table topper -   

And without:  

  The glass shows all the dirt and fingerprints - but I like the look of it. I'll just keep the Windex handy

Very Very Pleased.   Thanks Babe for pushing me to do it.  We are even thinking about re-covering our original chairs..... But that is for another day, down the loooooong  road.  LOL.  

Have a Blessed Day!

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