Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Tuesday Archive - Embroidery

Hello - Been awhile since I've linked up with Val for Tuesday Archives.  Either I've been busy or the category didn't fit something I have.  I am some what new to embroidery - only in the last 5-10 years, but I have to say I absolutely love it.   And I have so many projects (and UFO'S)  that I have done some embroidery on.

Above was a Doll Quilt made for a Doll Quilt swap.

Pincushions for a Pincushion swap, - The pattern came from Kaaren Johnson of  The Painted Quilt

There is embroidery throughout this whole quilt.  This is Sweet Land of Liberty - a pattern by Cheri Saffiote  Payne.  I won a 3rd place ribbon for this quilt in the 2016 Bullhead City Quilt Show.

A Wall Hanging that I did for my sweet friend for her Birthday in August 2013.  The pattern is by Jenny of Elefantz

A pincushion I made that includes embroidery stitches on it.  

An ornament I made. 

I was part of a Row By Row round robin  in 2014 and I used this little embroidery (again from Jenny of Elefantz) on one of the rows. 

Just took a Ribbon Embroidery class a week ago - Here are some flowers I did.  

Vintage Kitchen - a BOM offered by Jenny of Elefantz

Not finished with this - Started in April on my trip to Oregon.  This is a pattern in Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine.  

Below:  Is also a Jenny of Elefantz pattern. This was her Daisy Days BOM


Above fuzzy picture of  "FriDaisy"  I also have half of "SaturDaisy" done just need to finish up and then do "SunDaisy" and put together. 

Below is a pattern by Kaaren Johnson of The Painted Quilt.  "Twas the night before Christmas" just need to finish Santa and assemble with setting blocks. 

Below is a little wall hanging I made for an auction to raise money for Katrina victims. 

I have several other "Works in progress" and some new embroidery quilts I want to start.  But this gives you a little look into some some my embroidery and I'm sure shows how much I like it.  
Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear from you - even a "Hi" is wonderful.  Don't forget to go check out some of the other blogs that linked up over at Val's.  
Have a Blessed Day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so much embroidery inspiration Lynn!! I scrolled back and still couldn't pick a favorite as I love them all. :)


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...