First - I went on "Kation" with my Sister
and got to see my Dad
Love him so so much!
Then I got to go and see my kids and grand kids.
And got to spend an extra couple of days with my youngest daughter and her two kids.
Then I spent the rest of the time with my Sister.
Then when I came home I just haven't gotten back in the groove yet. But lets see how I did on my goals for the month.
1. My Scavenger Hunt Block - Tree, Purple and Frog. Complete, here is my Purple Tree Frog.
2. Buttermilk Basin "T" Block Stitched and "I" Block prepped. 1/2 Completed. I did not get very far on the stitching of the T block, but I did get the I block prepped.

3. SNR Paint box workshop. Get 1/2 done. Complete.
I posted about it a couple of times Here and Here. But here is the finished top. (Unless I add to it) I'm thinking of adding a black border and then adding another set of boxes. Hmmm I'll get back to you on that.
4. Gifts - Continue on with the gift making. I worked on the sewing mat for my friend Ronni and almost got it done. I finished the binding and then added a wool applique. Seems like a cheat but I am continuing so I'll say Goal Met. :)
5. UFO - Buster - This month was Porch Time. I posted about it here and showed my beginning progress. Well I only got to work on it one day but I did make progress I got the hand sewn on - so Goal Met.
6. Quilt Something - Wha Wha Wha... No go it didn't happen. :(
7. Primitive Garden BOM - Well that went sideways. My friend and I were all geared up talking about working on this together on Fridays which I thought would help me get going on it. But (get the cheese - the whining is starting) that is my only day to do my other UFO's - so I would not be doing them. And then she got pulled off that due to a relative needing a quilt for a wedding or something SOOOO.... we have put this on hold for now and nothing got done on it at all. :(.
8. Blog 4-8 times - Ya got that one this time. Goal Met.
9. Trip Project - Just for fun do something. I prepped so much stuff, I even knew I wouldn't get to hardly any of it - but hey better safe than sorry. AND - I was delayed in the airport for 4 or 5 hours so I got to work on the one stitchery. And I've worked on it this month and almost have it done.
10. NLIP - (Not Like I Planned) An Unplanned want to. Well I completed this and Goal Met in two ways on this one. One I did part of the Ducks because I wanted to.
And Unplanned - I worked on Charity Quilts. I got 2 and 1/2 tops made for the CRQ guild.
And the half one: Just need to sew rows together and put on the borders.
So for the month of April - 7 goals met,1 half met and 2 not even. So 75%..... hmm C maybe C+.
Okay Lets see what we can do in May.
May Goals
1. Scavenger Block - Sunbonnet Sue - Queen of Hearts and Embroidered Block. Not totally sure how I'm going to do this but I may paint part of it like I did the frog.
2. Buttermilk Basin Finish "T" Block and "I" Block (pictured above) and prep the next "T" Block.
3. Work on gifts! Towels, Scissor Fobs - need to make progress on gifts to give. Finish Ronni's Mat by Retreat time. Then I want to also paint another block and make it into a wall hanging for a friend. So this may be my gift goal for this month.
4. Quilt something. Not sure what just get some quilting done. I keep saying Bee Hive Baby, but maybe I need to pick something else to get me going. :) Here are a few that already pin basted - so I just need to get going on them.
5. UFO's APQ random ufo buster # 7 Which is too funny. Because I am doing 6 UFO's for 2 month's each #7 is the same as #1. Which is the same as last month. :) Porch Time. As always the goal is to make progress. Beginning status pictured above.
Here's what was done in April and where I will start for May.
6. Retreat Projects - Make Progress - Yep got another retreat going on. May 19 - 21. Back in February when the power went out on us - well they offered us free rooms because of that - So what do you do with a free room? Well we book a new retreat. :) I reserve the right to change my mind but as it stands now I am planning on taking my very old "Quilt as you go" Quilt to finish up.
Next I am planning to continue on with the "Snowman Collector" that I took to the retreat in February. I have one more block to applique and top stitch and then I can start making the sashing and borders.
Then my friend Ronni and I wanted to work on the Row by Row kit from our local quilt shop.
I'm sure I'll bring more stuff to work on and not sure what that will be - but I'll let you know.
7. Charity!
7a. I want to finish up the 1/2 quilt (pictured above) that I've got going on for the CRQ guild.
7b. Along with that I need to work on some charity stuff for the SNR guild. Here are some orphan blocks I'm going to sew together to make a couple of tops.
7c. Bonus Points - If I get the quilt made for SNR then quilt it.
8. Blog 7-10 times.
I also have company coming for a weekend and we are helping our friends relocate the local quilt shop - so I have other things going on in the background, that are going to use up some of my days and weekends. I think this is enough for now and not sure I'll get to all of this. But I can try. :)
I'll keep you posted - Have a Blessed day
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