Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mission - Great Auntie


Monday was the first Monday of the month and that means "Mystery Monday" - and this will be the last Mystery Monday at this shop.  As I posted in my last post, we were helping some friends relocate their quilt shop.  So let me back up just a hair - On Sunday my husband and I spent the day loading and unloading a 25' U-Haul.  They will be relocating about an hour away from here.  Sad - But they are friends so I will still see them and this move will be so much better for them.  Okay so back to Mystery Monday.  I forgot to include it in my monthly goals so no check marks - but here it is.

It's a travel pillow - or neck pillow.  It was pretty easy to make and was fun.  

Then on Tuesday I had intended to work on the charity quilts that I have going on.  However I got sidetracked on a special "Auntie" mission.  Last year I made two little dresses for my Great Nieces.  They are twins but not identical so I made non-matching sundresses.  

I don't seem to have a finished picture of it. 

Well this spring as their Mom was getting out their summer clothes, the girls started fighting over the blue dress.  It's mine, no it's mine.   Uh Oh!  
Well what is a great Aunt to do - Make another blue dress.  So that is what I did on Tuesday! 

I have it all packaged and ready to go with some stickers and a felt picture with markers.  It is addressed to their Mom and I sent her a card that she could dole out as she saw fit and yes I was passing the buck.  :) 

I got a text from my Niece and they got the package - she thought it was so sweet, and funny that I passed the buck.  :)  And she sent me this picture of the girls wearing the original dress and the new dress. 

Here is miss Ava in her new dress -  See the ric rac on the pocket.  :)

And here are the two of them together - Ava on the left and Brynn on the right.  xo

So Today - Wednesday - I worked on Charity quilts.  I have a bunch of orphan blocks that were given to me to do something with.  Today I put the borders around each block and around the whole thing. 
I will probably put one more border around but didn't have one that looked good.  I'll have to pick up some matching fabric while I'm at the cottage on Friday.   

Then I tried working with these blocks.  They are sewn together crooked, some have 1/8" seams and others 3/4" seams all in one big block.  So I squared up as much as I could and now I'm putting a border around them.  I am not sure what I'll do next with them but one step at a time.  

There are more than enough of these to do at least 2 quilt tops so I may make the two tops and then add an easy applique to the second one and make it into a baby quilt and back it with flannel.  

Well that's it for now.  Tomorrow I am taking a class to learn how to embroider and embellish with ribbon.  I think this will really be a neat thing and could be something I can use with my art quilts. I'll let you know how it goes. 
For now - have a Blessed Day - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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