Saturday, June 25, 2016

Driving and Stitching

Wednesday was an NLIP (Not Like I Planned)  day but a great day.  We had been cooped up in the house for a couple of days so Hubby asked if I wanted to go for a drive and go see our friends in Havasu City in their new quilt shop.  Yes the ones we helped move.  So we did a few things around the house.  I finished making the potato salad I started and then we took our showers and headed out.  We made a couple stops on the way.  There was a house for sale on a golf course that he had seen that was really nice that he wanted me to see so we drove by it.  Then one of his friends that he used to work with in Oregon moved here about 10 miles from us and told us where his house was so we drove by there to see where he lived. We knew he wasn't home or we would have stopped to say hi.  And because we dawdled so long we were getting hungry so instead of waiting until we got to Lake Havasu City to eat lunch we stopped in Topock and ate at Topock 66 which I've been wanting to try anyway. They have a great marina where boaters can come off the river dock and have a bite to eat.

(All images of Topock 66 have been taken off the internet)  

 The two shots below are from the Marina with  the Colorado River in the distance.

This shot is out of the marina to the south on the river. 
We have boated from Laughlin to Havasu and this bridge is always a sign you are at Topock.  
The picture above is the area you walk thru to get to the inside restaurant.  It was not this populated when we went.  

Also, I hear they have concerts right on the other side of the pool.  

This is an image I got off the internet but this was one of our views from where we were sitting and having lunch.  There were quite a few adults and children in the pool.   This is what the inside area looks like we were sitting next to the glass door that is in the bottom right of the picture, which gave us a great view of he pool. 

They have a wonderful outside seating area too but it was a little warm for that.  

and for even more fun If you are a man this is what your bathroom looks like.....  No I didn't go in there but I heard about it so googled and got the picture from the internet.  :) 

We shared a club sandwich and fries and then continued on to Lake Havasu.  We saw our friends and ran into a couple other people we knew and it was just a lot of fun. 

I keep forgetting to take pictures of their new shop now that it's set up - but here is a picture that she posted on her last news letter. You can see a tiny edge of the cutting table in the left corner of this picture and the front door would be behind the person taking this picture.   Then to the right there is a hallway that goes to the sale room and then the back room that has more fabric, the long arm machines and trims.  

While I was there I picked up a few things and this years  Row by Row pattern and kit.  
I thought it was cute. 

Then we headed home.  By the time we drove around more it was time for dinner past actually so we grabbed a pizza on the way home - ate and then relaxed.  So even though I didn't touch any of the sewing I planned it was still a good day.  

Thursday I needed to go to the CRQ workshop so I could help audit the treasury reports for the year and then was going to stay and do some hand stitching.  I worked on my 3rd block for the Bee-Utiful BOW and was able to finish it.  Good thing since the next block was coming out on Friday. 

For dinner we finally had some of the potato salad I made. Hot Dog sandwiches and Potato Salad.  We use the Polish Sausage dogs.  I split them down the middle and fry them,  so I works well.

Yesterday at the cottage and after I got home - I worked on my Farmhouse Threads Mystery BOW and got all the lettering done on the top, stitched around the pie crust and then started on the birds. 

Today I have 4 blocks to prep.  Buttermilk Basin has their new block out.  "S" 
Then the new block for Farmhouse Threads BOW.  

Then block 4 and 5 for the Bee-Utiful QAL from Moda

I think that will keep me busy for a while, but if I still have time left I want to continue on with the quilting of the charity quilt and get it done.  

Well I better get busy at something or nothing is getting done.  
Have a Blessed Day!

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