Sunday, June 26, 2016

Four by Four

I did pretty good yesterday - my goal for the day was to prep the next 4 blocks that came out for the Block of the Months and Block of the week's that I am doing.

First off I got the next two blocks for the Bee-Utiful QAL.

Block 4 prepped and ready to be stitched.

Then Block 5

Block 5 Prepped.

Then once I got them the way I wanted them I prepped my next block for Farmhouse Threads Mystery BOW.   Here is the picture of the 2nd block.

Here is my prepped block.

Then my last block to prep was the new one for Buttermilk Basin Mystery "Let it Snow"  I wasn't sure if I was going to have one letter or two this month because last month there wasn't one.  Well the first week of he month they released "T".  Here is their picture:

 I got it prepped.

 Then on schedule (the 3rd Friday of the month) they released the letter "S" .   So I went to work prepping "S".
Here is the picture of  their block:

 Here is my prepped block:

Once I had all my blocks prepped and ready to go - I worked on finishing the stitching on my first block for Farmhouse Threads and finished it.

After that while watching some TV I worked on the "T" block for "Let iT Snow".  I started it a couple of weeks ago when I first prepped it and pretty much all that was left was all of the white and the eyes and mouth on the snow balls.  So I worked on the white.  

Not too much left on this one.  :)  
Today I think I'll work on finishing the quilting on the charity quilt.  Then I will probably work on some of these blocks.  Other than the "S" block, I only have a week to get them done before new ones come out.  

In the next few days I want to lay the bears out on the background I picked. I'm concerned it may not work.  I picked a forest green to go behind the bears and the aspens and the leaves.  But I hoping that not too much of the green shows, because she didn't want a green quilt.   Since the background and bears will cover the whole top of the bed - It may be too much green even if the rest of the quilt is another color.  Hmmm.  I guess we'll see.  Anyway I'm going to lay it out an take pictures and depending on how the colors in the picture turn out she may be able to decide and if not it will have to wait until October when she can be here in person.  

Okay well - time to get going or nothing will get done.  
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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