Sunday, June 19, 2016

Relaxing Sunday

Well the heat index is a little high for us now and even though today is a very warm 118 - they are predicting that tomorrow will be 123.  I guess we will see.  But for me, it means that I can have fun sewing and stitching.  I've been working on my Bee-utiful QAL blocks from Moda.  I finished #1 on Thursday.

Then today I finished Block #2.

Then I prepped the fist block for the   "Farmhouse Threads and Friends Harvest Mystery Quilt Blog Hop"    

Here is the picture of their block.

Here is my prepped block. 

Here is a close up of the lettering I will stitch.  Kind of hard to see.  

Then when I got done with that, I prepped the #3 Block for the Bee-utiful QAL.  

Here is their block picture. 

Here is my prepped block.  

  Oh... and the rats nest of thread I started to sort out and wind up on the little cards... Well before I did the above blocks I worked a little more on that.  

I started by sorting out by color groups so if there were duplicate pieces I could wind them together. 

I pulled out the decent size pieces and I'll admit, I tossed a handful of  insignificant pieces.  And when I was tired of winding I bagged some within their color group and here's how it finished out. 
I will finish winding the rest one of these days, but for now it is much better than it was.  

I took a break to make some dinner, and eat - now I'm going to kick back and do some stitching on these blocks I've prepped.

It's Fathers Day and I'm blessed to still have my Father here on earth. I called him and talked with him and was able to let him know that I'm traveling up to see him next month.  His Birthday is the 3rd of July and even though we'll be there a couple weeks after that but I told him we'd celebrate then.  :)  
And all the kids reached out to my wonderful husband and let him know what a great Dad he was and how much they loved him - So Yes it's been a great relaxing Sunday.  

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...