Friday, June 10, 2016

Quilt Prepper

I've said more than once that there are times I like the prepping almost better than the actual doing.  I'm a plan-a-lot-amus.  I love the planning and prepping process of a new project, which I'm sure goes a long way in explaining why I have so many UFO's that I've started.  :)  Well now that I've exposed my flaws maybe I should show what I've been up to the last few days.  Well last Wednesday was the 1st of the month and I did my post for my monthly goals and then in the afternoon, I started looking thru my patterns and some books to see what I wanted to prep for blocks from this months UFO.  Christmas Quilt from Cheri Saffiote Payne.

This picture already has some substitutions in it,   Here is the original picture that is included in the pattern from Cheri. 

One of the things I've had to relax with, is that it's okay to make a quilt my own and change things around.  :) So in this one I am changing things as I did in my Sweet Land of Liberty.  I will be doing some from the original pattern, some from the quilt above and some that are in different patterns all together.  So that's what I did on Wednesday afternoon, I looked for patterns I wanted to use.   On Thursday we had to have the plumber come.  We have really hard water here and years of it had beaten up a couple of our faucets. And since it means literally cutting fixtures off it's not just a simple replace job.  What does it mean when you're on a first name basis with the plumber and his helper.  We make jokes about being invited to their family BBQ's  :) :(.
But after the 3 hours it took them to replace the kitchen faucet and an outside one, I went in a started prepping the blocks I had picked out for the quilt above.
Here's what I came up with:

Then Friday I worked on the block that was already prepped when I pulled out this UFO -  I didn't get very much sewn but here's what I did.

Saturday Hubby and I drove down to Lake Havasu for the Grand Opening of Fabrics Unlimited in their new location.  I love how they have put the new shop together.  And can you believe I did not grab any photos.  RRRR   But I do have this one that I took when we were helping to move them, it will have to do until I can get more.

Sunday - I just laid low.  I wasn't feeling wonderful and so I tried to nap and couldn't and really just couldn't even find the energy to stitch.

Monday - I had to work on my computer - it was having some issues and so in between checking that I got my house cleaning done.   Then after all of that - I started quilting the train quilt.  Can you believe it. I stitched along the tracks to frame in areas.

Then we ran a couple errands and I picked up a large flash drive to back up pictures and patterns just to be safe.

Tuesday - In the morning I backed up my pictures and pattern files and then did some more quilting on the train quilt and decided to start burying some of my threads.

We were heading to Vegas.  Part of our family was going thru Vegas on their way to California so we went there to have dinner with them.

Hubby's Brother on left, and his wife and their grandson.

Our neice and her daughter, she's also the mother of the grandson in picture above.  Behind her is her Mother-in-law the other Grandma.

 We brought clothes just in case, but weren't sure if we were staying or coming home. We ended up stopping to see another friend of my husbands, and she got us a room for free, so we ended up staying. Nice Room -
 Considering we didn't end up eating until about 7:30 it was good we were staying and it was like a mini vacation.  :)

Wednesday we grabbed a buffet and headed home. We had some lunch and then took a nap.  We got up and had dinner, watched some TV and headed to bed.

Thursday - well I think the nap from Wednesday backfired - I didn't sleep very well at night so I was in a hazy funk.  About the time I was waking up in the afternoon, we had drop in company so I didn't go in and quilt on the train. And by the time they left we were hungry for dinner so I made some spaghetti.  By the time I was done with dinner had the kitchen cleaned up I was tired again - so I sat back and just did some hand stitching on the little embroidery that I started on the plane in April on my trip to Oregon.  I am almost done with it.  I just need to finish the lettering and then do french knots around the flowers. and the bird legs.

Today - Friday  My honey headed out to play an early round of golf with the neighbors and I will be heading to the cottage for open sew.  I will be working some more on the Christmas quilt that I was working on last week.  And I'll let you know how much progress I make.

In the meantime - Have a Blessed day!

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