Sunday, February 19, 2017

Charlotte Gloria and more

Sometimes I don't get a post done because I don't feel I have finished anything to share, and sometimes I don't get a blog post done because I am so busy.  Well I have been busy and I do have a few things to share. Okay so first up I have finished my second "Bag Lady of the Fat Quarter Club"  Charlotte Gloria. 

I got her done about a week ago but then I was trying to work on a few other things and hadn't pressed her to take a picture.  

I also got these little mug rugs done -  they look to me more like coasters but that was the size the guild wanted.  They gave us a pattern for a mushroom - but it had itty bitty teeny weenie little half square triangles.  So I fell back on my trusty applique.  

They are asking that we each make a few more by the next meeting.  This time we can use what ever design, picture, or pattern we want.  These are going to be given to the senior centers, and care facilities in the area.  This is also the guild that we made the Valentine place mats to give to one of our local Senior Living Facilities called Joshua Springs.  

The lady on the far left and the one on the far  right are from our guild and the three in the center are from the care facility.  Funny with all the ones that were made (75 I think) I see both of mine in this picture.  The second held one from the right and the pink and lavender one on the top of the stack on the table.  
Okay enough about that - 
Next  up the charity project for the other guild - Fidget Mats for Alzheimer patients (also at Joshua Springs).  The idea is to put things on them for the patients to touch and feel and - fidget - with.  The 3rd Friday of the month is our charity work day and with any group not everyone participates so on the 2nd Friday the Cottage owner and I put some kits together so it was easy to grab one and make one.  Well it went well a few people took kits home and will return one and those of us that each did at least a couple - so we got our 14 that were needed done.  Shhh don't tell the others so they'll still finish theirs and we'll have a couple extra.  :)  

The top one is made with fleece and the bottom one is made with flannel.  They both have pockets and zippers - but the bottom has a zipper that opens to another pocket.  

Along with this I have been working on my UFO for the month "Ruby Red Dot"  getting my 3 blocks done - still haven't found the lost one so going to redo.  Here is where I am at with it.  Block 11 done:

Block 12 - 1/2 done:

And the missing block prepped ready to re-do!- :)

And the biggest news of all is that I got 2 new  (to me) sewing machines.  I got a Janome 3160 to be my travel machine - and a Janome 7700 to be my home machine.  
I will show pictures of those later.  I haven't had a chance to try out my big machine - so that is on my agenda for today.  

I'll let you know how I do figuring it out. 
Have a Blessed Day

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte looks magnificent, and hey, congratulations on those sewing machines. What fun!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...