Wednesday, February 1, 2017

UFO # 8 Ruby Red Dot

I saw a comment in the UFO buster that said something about being afraid of what number was going to be picked because they weren't sure they were ready to tackle some of the UFO's that were listed.  It was funny - because I can relate.  I think sometimes that's why the UFO's become or stay UFO's.  There is something about them that we are dreading.  Either we  feel somewhat intimidated by what needs to be done to finish it - or we may be bored with it.  I have a friend that will make huge beautiful quilts.  She does paper piecing, applique and has a long arm machine and quilts her own quilts, however she hates putting borders on. She has given away quilt tops because she gets to the border and doesn't want to do that part.  LOL
Well enough of that -  Here is my next UFO to work on  #8  On my list,  #8 was TBA. I thought it would get picked later in the year and I could use it to finish up something that I wanted a little more time with. So now I need to pick something.  Okay here we go..... Ruby Red Dot.
I am picking this one  for three reasons. 
1. I did not have it on my UFO list at all last year and since it is already on there for 2 months that gives me 3 months to get it done. (unless I change one of those to TBA)  :)  
2.  It has a balance of piecing and hand work, means I could possible take it to the retreat and get sashings, corner stones and borders pieced. 
3.  Since I have 3 other goals this month that include mainly hand work (which I love) I needed something that was not only hand work. 

Here is a picture of the quilt from the pattern book

Here is my Beginning Status:  Blocks 1-10 done, and blocks 11 and 12 are prepped.  (notice bottom right corner) 

However do you notice an empty space - Hmm me too.  I don't know what happened to that block. I remember doing it.  Oh ya - and I actually see it in the picture below.  (2nd down on left) - I need to find it.

So my goal is always to make progress.  But in my effort to push myself a little more this year to get things done, I'm trying to be more specific with my goals.  So here goes.....
Minimum Goal: 
Cut out all pieces for friendship stars and sew together 10 of the 20.  (Excluding the red wool dot in center)
Cut red and green strips to make the sashing between stars. 
Finish blocks 11 and 12.  
UFO Bonus:  Redo block 8 if I can't find it. 
                      Sew red and green strips together and sub cut into the 12 1/2" pieces
                      Sew remaining 10 friendship stars together.
Wish me luck and have a Blessed Day!!

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