Sunday, February 5, 2017

No Texture

Persimon Dreams hosts a challenge every few weeks called Project Quilting.  You get a theme and have a week to create a quilt. Then you blog about it and show your creative process of getting to the finished quilt. I was looking so forward to doing one of the challenges. So on January 29th the time came for project #3, I was all set and ready to go.   The theme was  "Texture", not just from quilts, look around and what do you see.  Well I immediately got an idea of doing something with the cactus we have in our front yard.  I have always loved the pods and fuzzy stuff that grows on it. 

 Then on that day we took a little drive to a neighboring town and so I was keeping my mind open and snapped a couple more photo's of stuff.  This brick wall sparked an idea of doing a Koi pond. 
And So I was looking for pictures of Koi. 

Then since I was having trouble getting that to work the way I wanted I teetered back and forth and thought maybe I should do the cactus again - but found out another lady I know that does these challenges was doing a cactus - so that was out.

Next I looked into this book my friend gave me - some day I definitely want to do some of her work.... 

These pictures don't really show how wonderful her work is, but it is very 3 dimensional.   But that didn't seem to work in my brain either 

Then I thought about Star Fish and Coral Reef, that has texture.  So I started looking for pictures of that and wondered how I could make that work. I had some good ideas of how to do it - but as time was dwindling for the week - I again tried to be realistic and just say no. 

Then - Deadline in 3 hours - my brain still wanting to participate - Honey Comb.  Again I go on a search for pictures.  

And through this whole process each item that came to mind, there were also corresponding thoughts of items in my sewing stash that I could use to make these items come to life.

But no - I just have to say No.  I can not create and complete a whole little quilt including binding in less than 3 hours. So NO Texture, however if nothing else this week, I've taken notice.  I've become more aware of things being 3 dimensional not just there.  Project Quilting is supposed to spark creativity in us, and though I don't have anything to enter in the contest, it accomplished what it was meant to.  
Now I'm going to go sew something - and wait for the theme of the next challenge.
Have a Blessed Day!   Lynn 

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