Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January's Done What's Up for February

Recap - January 2017

1.  Raggedy Ann Baby Quilt.  Goal sandwich and quilt it.  Complete the quilt so we can mail it to our friends in Tennessee that have adopted a sweet baby girl.    Completed and received and they love it.

Here's what they said: 
Lynn! WOW!!!! This is Crew's first hand made item and it took my breath away. I love the theme and the colors...and that you used anchors. This is going to be treasured for so very long. Thank you is not enough, but we are sure blown away by the time and love put into this.

Here is Baby Crew on the back of the quilt. 

2.  Bag Lady #1.    Ernestine - Ronnie Lyn  Complete - Goal Met! 

3. Military Charity Quilt  - Finish quilting and bind.   Completed - Goal Met! 

4. CRQ Guild - Start creating the Challenge block for April Workshop.    I am going to do this in cotton and show them 3 different applique techniques.  Goal is to get started on it.  
Complete - Goal Met!   Here is my Sketch of the block - It is called Sweet Tweet.   :)  

5. UFO - #6  Henrietta Whiskers.  This is my hand pieced quilt. I have blocks 1-6 completed.  

Goal Complete blocks 7-9.  

Block #7

Block #8

Block #9 

And if that's not enough - I kept going and look what I was able to do..... The top is done.  Wow!!  Next time this comes up on the UFO of the month I will start hand quilting it.  I am so happy.   Goal Complete + :)

6. Along with the Random APQ # UFO Buster, I am going to pick a UFO and work on it each month until it is completed then go on to the next.  My first UFO to work on which may take me all year - and that's okay - is the Bear Quilt.  I have been working on it off and on for over 3 years.  I got the blue jay and the quail fused for the corners.  Now I need to work on the Aspen trees and grasses that will go around the bears on the main background.  
Goal for this month:  Trace and fuse on to appropriate fabric all the trees, leaves and grass that will go around the bears on the background.   Goal Met.  I have fused a lot grass and tree's and branches - however until I start assembling it I won't know if I need more of them or not.  

7. Finish the heart place mats by the January CRQ business meeting.  We are supposed to each make two.  I have another cut out in reds.   
Complete - Goal met can't believe I didn't take a picture of my other one - However I do have it in a group photo.  I drew a circle around the two - they are in the center of the picture below. 
There is not a specific bonus project for this month.  If I am able to get all of this done, then anything that I can work on beyond this will be a bonus. 

Here are my unscheduled Bonus Items. I took an etching class with my Sister at her RV Park.  Then I figured that was a great gift idea so made another.  Here they are.  The pumpkin one will be the gift.   The flower one I guess I'll hang in my sewing room. 

I had a very productive month and I'm sure it helped having my Sister here as my Sous Chef Quilter.  She doesn't quilt but she'll iron and cut and she will sew blocks together. Every little bit helps right?
So what's up next?  

February 2017

1.  Bag Lady #2.  This is Charlotte - Gloria

2.  Church Raffle Block -  The church where we have our monthly meetings for the CRQ guild is raising money for their building fund.  A few of us have volunteered to make a quilt that can be raffled off to help them.  I am making one of the 20" appliqued blocks.  
Here is the picture of the quilt:  
This is my block.  -It's in the center 3rd block from the top. 
A little hard to see the picture on the pattern was not wonderful.  Here are the fabrics in my kit for my block. The floral fabric is a little more blue than it shows here but it gives you an idea.  This is not due until May - So Goal is to start.  

3.  Monthly UFO #  _______   TBA - and I will do a post on the starting status.  

4.  CRQ Block (Sketch Pictured above)   Goal:  Get almost completely done! 

5. On going UFO - Bear Quilt - Start placement of center which will be the "bed top" with bears, grass and trees. Make additional trees and leaves if needed.  Goal: have 3/4 of top placement arranged and at least partially fused. (some fusing may need to wait for other sections), 

6.  Retreat time.  I have a retreat coming up.  So what do I want to do at the retreat.  I always take enough for 10 weeks so here are some thoughts.  First I want to take the kit that I received at Christmas for my finished scavenger hunt quilt.  
Goal is to finish the top.  Bonus if I do more.  

Next  I will take my very oldest quilt UFO. (2009) It was a quilt as you go - you would think it would be done.  I'm tired of it just sitting there.  It needs 12 blocks added. 6 to each side. I have 6 done - I need to finish 6 blocks and get them sewn together on the top of the quilt.  Then there till be hand stitching on back.  Goal will be to finish and attach the 12 blocks.  
(I do however reserve the right to change my mind on this project being taken.) 

I am also bringing a couple of my Row by Row kits to work on.  I have plenty of them.  

I want to try a doing one of the "Project Quilting" challenges.  If I can do one or both of those and complete them, that would definitely be a bonus.  Also I would like to quilt one or more quilts a month to catch them up, getting that done, would be a bonus.  Doing more on the UFO's that I've listed, that will be a bonus.  So I'm leaving myself open to extra credit - my blog - my rules.  

I will keep you posted on how I do.
Have a Blessed Day!  

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