Sunday, January 15, 2017

Almost There

I have two "Almost There's", that I'm very happy about, but for different reasons.  The first one is the best of the two.  My Sister and I have a package that is "almost there" to it's destination.  YAY!  
We made a quilt together for a very special little baby girl that has been adopted by friends of ours.  They are so over the moon with their new little baby and it's so awesome that Sis and I actually were able to give them something that we both made - especially since my Sister is not a quilter.  She did all of the embroidery blocks and I did the piecing and quilting. With the exception of the back, She cut 90% of the squares for the back and we both sewed them together.  According to USPS - it is scheduled to be there on in a couple of days. (The pattern for these blocks was part of a free pattern offered by Kaaren Johnson of the Painted Quilt

We had lots of left overs so we did a patchwork back. 

Here is my Sister Randi. 

And Me

The other "Almost There" is not near as exciting, however it is a happy moment too.  One of our guilds agreed to make 12  -  63" x 87" quilts for a new Veteran home that is opening in our area to rehabilitate veterans with chemical dependency issues.  Well since so many needed to be made and quilted I ended up having to make and quilt it myself.  This wasn't made with any type of pattern and frankly I don't like how it turned out.  I think that is another reason I just want it to be done and over with it.  I didn't do anything fancy on the quilting, and since I was quilting it on my little domestic machine, I just did wavy lines. I am very happy that as of yesterday the quilt is made and quilted and the binding is on.  I just need to do the hand stitching of the binding. So I am almost there with it too. 

I'm pretty sure I'll be working on that for an evening or two.  
Have a Blessed Day!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely quilt, and story, from you and your sister.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...