Monday, January 16, 2017

Ernestine - Ronnie Lyn

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day.  Randi came over we each were doing some stitching.  She worked on an embroidery and I worked on the binding on the military quilt while watching a movie.  "Blended"  It's a cute romantic comedy, with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.  Then while we were doing that, she cooked us dinner.  Baked Chicken, White Rice with Gravy and Green Beans with Tomatoes in them. Yummy.  Chicken and rice is one of my favorite meals and one that I always asked for on my Birthday each year.  So it is always one that my Sis knows is a treat for me and is why she made for us.  

After dinner and a little more visiting they headed back to their place and we kicked back and watched some football and I worked on finishing the first Bag Lady - Ernestine.  Her other name is Ronnie Lyn and you can ready about the 2nd name to my Bag Ladies here.   

I think there is going to be a little link up for the Bag Ladies each month but I'm not sure where and how that will work, once I figure that out I'll let you know. This will be the next one up for next month.  (If I can hold off until then)  This is Charlotte - Gloria. 

Today the guys are going golfing - so my Sis will come over and I think we are going to work on some glass/mirror etching.  Last Monday we took a class at her RV park clubhouse and learned how to do it, and I decided I wanted to do another one as a gift.  So I think we'll work on that today.  I offered to show her how to paint using ink and gel and she didn't bite so I guess it will be mirror etching.  :)  

Here is the one I made while taking the class. 

Well that's about it for now.  Have a Blessed Day doing something you want.    Lynn   


  1. Very nice job, Lynn. Love your alternative names for the bag ladies.

  2. What a fun way to name the ladies. Great finish of Ernestine-Ronnie Lyn.

  3. Nicely done and love that you added the special touch of re-naming to make it your own.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...