Monday, January 2, 2017

Henrietta and Ernestine

I'm starting the year off with something old and something new.  The old will be my monthly UFO. Again, I will be following the random number generator listed on All People Quilts UFO Buster. I'm not making any profound resolutions this year.  It would be the same really as it always is for any given quilter - Quilt more tops, Finish all your started projects. And for me personally I want get in better shape.  I don't have any health issues except being a little overweight so I want to work on that.  That's it - pretty simple - but something to work on the same. 
So back to sewing and quilting - because that's really want we want to talk about right.  The UFO that was picked for this month was #6 and for me on my list - is  "Henrietta Whiskers". This quilt was offered as a free BOM from Bunnyhill Designs and was started in 2012 when our house was for sale.  Because I had my sewing room packed, I decided to hand pieced and hand appliqued this quilt. Here is a picture of the completed quilt.  

Here is my beginning status.  I have blocks 1-6 done.  

My goal is to complete blocks 7-9 which is the bottom row on the quilt.  

Also, now that it is finally the New Year - I can start on my Bag Lady.  I think I will be doing them in order but reserve the right to change my mind.  Here is Ernestine. 
I didn't do any stitching on her yesterday but want to get started today.   I have a little story to tell about these ladies.  I have a group of ladies I sew with once a month.  And when I showed them my patterns they thought it would be fun to assign our names to each of the Bag ladies since there is 12 of each.  :)   So this is Ernestine / Ronni Lyn.   When I get these done and finished into a quilt, it will be a great memory quilt of our sewing times together. 

Have  a Blessed day - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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