So How did I do with my December Goals? Let's take a peak.
1. UFO Buster - # 11 which is "My Favorite Things" This is the picture from the pattern cover.
Here is my Beginning Status - Here are my blocks that are done.

I need to top stitch the blocks below. (except the sheep it's pictured below)

the last time this UFO came up I got the top stitching done on this one.

After these blocks are done - I have two more that need to be done before I can start on borders. Goal : Make the two additional blocks and Top Stitch all of the remaining 7 blocks. (Being a little more specific and demanding of myself)
Goal Met -
2. Start Quilting Military Charity Quilt (Pictured Above) Get minimum of 1/4 of it quilted. It's big and I'm doing on my little domestic machine so I just want to get started. I need to have it completed by middle of February. Goal Met - I got about 1/3 done.
3. CRQ guild Snowman Pillow. These will be donated to local senior centers and hospitals for comfort. Goal Met - Here is mine
4. Quilt the SNR Flag project. Goal Met - Quilted and bound - Done!
5. Finish hand stitching binding on all the SNR Projects - Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring and the Flag Goal Met.
6. Make this into a wall hanging. My Sister got this for me when she visited Sweden a little over a year ago, then stitched it for me. I would like to get it bordered, quilted and made into a wall hanging so it can be part of my Christmas decoration this year. Goal Met -
7. Sister projects- my Sister and Brother in law will be Snow Birding here for a month. She and I want to do the couple of sewing projects we didn't get to in October when she was here. A Mixer cover - Goal: Complete the Mixer Cover Goal Met!
and a Table Topper, for her friend - Goal: and the Flimsy Table Topper.
Goal Met - It's done.
8. Bear Quilt - Get the Blue Jay fused down. Goal Met
And since I was on a Roll, I re-did the Quail to make it larger.
They both still need top stitching.
I did not work on any of the ones that I had listed for bonus points, however I did do a few a couple of things that were not on the list.
I put together my Buttermilk Basin BOM. I still need to top stitch the last two squares on the right side.
I also made this - It is a project for the CRQ guild that will become a place mat. We were each asked to make 2. I also have one cut out in reds.
It is always amazing to me how fast time goes - it's already the end of another month - but this month it is also the end of another year. So before I go on to start listing my next months goals - I just want to say that I am so thankful for all that this last year has given me. All that I've been able to create for myself and others and I pray that the New Year will be even better.
January 2017
I have not decided which of my UFO's will be on my list for the new year, however I do know that I want to be more specific on how much I complete on them. I will be doing a separate post on the UFO's for the year and a little more about my goals for them.
So what are my general monthly goals for January?
1. Raggedy Ann Baby Quilt. Goal sandwich and quilt it. Complete the quilt so we can mail it to our friends in Tennessee that have adopted a sweet baby girl.
2. Bag Lady number one. There is a set of 12 or you can get them as a BOM. These are patterns from Chick a Dee Hollow. They come already printed on muslin and colored for you. Click the link above to join the fun. I believe there is going to be a QAL where we can show picture of our finished blocks, however, I do not have the details on this at this time. I will keep you updated on this. My goal will be to finish stitching this block.
3. Military Charity Quilt ( Pictured Above) - Finish quilting and bind.
4. CRQ Guild - Start creating the Challenge block for April Workshop. I want to use parts of this picture to create an applique block for them.
I couldn't find a colored picture of this - and this one is done in wool (which I love) however I am going to do this in cotton and show them 3 different applique techniques. Goal is to get started on it
5. UFO - To be Announced. I think I will still be doing the random number with APQ, So I will know tomorrow what number they have chosen. The Goal will be to make progress and I will post what progress will need to be made.
6. Along with the Random APQ # UFO Buster, I am going to pick a UFO and work on it each month until it is completed then go on to the next. My first UFO to work on which may take me all year - and that's okay - is the Bear Quilt. I have been working on it off and on for over 3 years. I got the blue jay and the quail fused for the corners. Now I need to work on the Aspen trees and grasses that will go around the bears on the main background.
Goal for this month: Trace and fuse on to appropriate fabric all the trees, leaves and grass that will go around the bears on the background.
7. Finish the heart place mats by the January CRQ business meeting. We are supposed to each make two. I have another cut out in reds.
There is not a specific bonus project for this month. If I am able to get all of this done, then anything that I can work on beyond this will be a bonus. I have quilts to quilt, more UFO's to work on and more to do on the UFO's that listed above. As always there are things that come up in the month and they too can me my bonus.
Well that's it for now - Happy New Year - Be safe and Be Blessed.
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