Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy 100th and a Give Away

Happy 100 - Blog post that is.  This is my 100th blog post for 2016.  

And of course nothing celebrates your 100th Blog post like a give away.  I am giving away a Pincushion. 

Considering I don't pin everything I sew,  only sometimes if it's got curves or angles, you would not think I have as many pincushions as I do. 
I have fun, practical ones, ones I use, ones I display.  Here are a couple of ones I made that I really liked. 
 Yep I have a collection of them.  I even have a shelf that my Brother-in-law built me that I put some of my pincushions on.  

Then here are some I made for our guild this Christmas. 
Here is one I won a few years back.  
Here is one my Mom made a long time ago.   

Gift from a friend.  

Made in a class.  

Made by my friend use it a lot.  

Made these pin cushion scrap bags for gifts. 

These are most but not all that all I have or have had. For about a year or a little more, I was part of a group that swapped pincushions. So every month you would make and receive two.  That really helps you build your collection fast. 

Leave a comment telling me if you pin or not, approximately how many pincushions you have, and which of the pincushions you like.  I will make a one of the Christmas ones or the one with a scrap bag in the color of your choice.  The give away will be open until Tuesday at 11:59 pm Arizona time zone. I will announce a winner on  Wednesday morning and will make a pincushion for the winner based on their choice from your comment.

Thanks for being here for my 100th post this year and good luck.  
Have a Blessed day - 

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