Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 Finishes in Review

January Finishes:
Gift for friend
Guild Charity Project -
Guild Workshop -
February Finishes:
Project Quilting Challenge - Mellow Yellow
Pattern from a friend - Table Runner.
Guild Workshop
March Finishes:
Twas Night Before Christmas - UFO
Gift for Friends Grandson - Whale Quilt for Baby Ray
Guild Charity Project - Place mats
April Finishes:

May Finishes:  Lots of working - but no finishes.  
June Finishes:
Needle book.

 Wool Crazy Wall Hanging
July Finishes: 
Christmas Quilt
 Psalm 23 Quilt for Taya
and wall hanging
August Finishes: 
Wall hanging - Gift for Daughters friend.
Bowl - gift for my friend.
Another UFO Little house embroidery  
Sisters quilt - I quilted. (She did binding and is done)
October Finishes:
A wall hanging gift.  Cheryl started I finished and quilted and we gave to Patty.
More UFO's - a Table Topper
November Finishes: 
A Table topper
A Baby Quilt
Another Baby Quilt for Charity and a UFO

Santa Gifts for guild
I did the mug rugs
And these Ornaments -
Kindle bag for my Brother in law.
December Finishes:
More ornaments
Place mats:

Microwave bowl cozy's, potholders and a bag - 

Despite how much I wanted to do and maybe didn't finish - it looks like I got a lot done.   Here's to the coming year - may it be productive but most of all may be be happy and healthy.
Blessings to all - 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

11 UFO's finished in 2018

Eleven UFO's in Twelve Months 
Here's a run down of the ones I finished this year.  

1. Modern Trees by Christa Watson 

2. Twas Night Before Christmas by Kaaren Johnson of the Painted Quilt.

3. Blue and yellow Baby Pinwheel.  No Pattern
4. Christmas Winter by Cheri Payne

5. Winter Star Snowman by Jan Patek

6. Let It Snow by Buttermilk Basin

7. Crazy Stitch Needle Book - my creation.

8. Little House Pillow. Embroidery pattern I made into pillow.

9.  Wool Crazy - Inspired by "Wool Crazy book by JoAnn Mullaly

10.  Pod Cats - Pattern by Helene Knott part of her Garden Cats collection.

11.  Paint Box Table Topper Class taught by Bettye Sheppard.  

That sums up my Finished UFO's for 2018. I've got big plans for 2019 and the UFO list - guess we'll see how it goes. 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...