Sunday, December 2, 2018

More Ornaments

Last winter while my Sister was still here, my quilting friend Susie did a drive by to us both.  Susie does drive by's because she lives about a mile up the road and will drop stuff on the driveway for me to do.  So we call them drive bys.  Anyway she gave us both a kit from "All through the Night" that had 12 pre-printed ornaments in it.  They each needed some embroidery and embellishments with wool and or beads, then assembled.  Sis and I both are finished and are both giving Susie one back, and then passing the rest on to friends and family.  Here are mine. 

They were a lot of fun to work on and I'm sure they will be enjoyed by those who receive them. 
I still have one more set of Ornaments this year.  Wow 3 sets in one year.  We'll see If I get these done for this year or if they will carry over to next year. 
We'll back into the sewing room, I need to figure out what my one monthly goal will be for December.  I'll post about that later.
Blessings,  Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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