Saturday, December 15, 2018

Half Way There

I'm having kinda a slow going month here.  And by the looks of things I may have to revamp my wish lists and goals for the next few months.  :)
Sis has been coming over on the days my hubby golfs, which are my cleaning, cooking and sewing days and I think we visit more than we sew.  LOL  That's all good, but I'll need to keep that in mind when setting my goals and scale back a bit.  :)  
I did get half of my OMG goal done which is good.  That is one of two sets of place mats. The goal is to get 2 each of 2 different styles done.  Here are the 

I'm actually doing 2 more in this style but need to finish the goal ones first.  
Then as always I have a NLIP (not like I planned)  My daughter in laws Birthday is on the 31st.  I have been trying to figure out what to get or do for her and finally she mentioned that the bowl cozy I gave her is missing.  Yay - an Idea.  So I found some shark fabric (yes she likes sharks) and matching fabric to make her some new ones.  
That and the other place mats will be my focus for the rest of this month.  If I get anything else done will be a bonus at this point.  
Have a blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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