Wednesday, December 26, 2018

January Handwork and UFO's

I'm a list girl.  I used to (ok I still do) have little scraps of paper with lists and check lists.  I love the satisfaction of being able to check off a ta-done.  :) Now I make lists in my phone - and its fun cause I set them up as tasks so that I can still check them off.  With all of that being said, I have my lists of goals, want to's and hope to's for 2019, (all subject to change of course) and was thrilled to find out that  American Patchwork and Quilting/ All Peoples Quits had already posted January's random # for UFO busting.  I'm posting a little early for January but the UFO number gave me an excuse.  Random number is..... Number 3.  
This year I have 3 categories of quilting goals.  Handwork and UFO's - Quilts to Quilt - and New and Retreat Projects.  Unfortunately even with all of that it still won't finish all I have going on but hopefully get me closer.  :) I also will be picking something each month to be my "One Monthly Goal" which may or may not be the same as my APQ random number.
So in the Quilting category - Here is Cat grout quilt.  

It's a funny name for a winter type quilt but when this quilt top was being made I was at my friends cabin and her cat threw up on it.  Well we've been calling it Cat P*ke quilt which isn't a very nice name so I am re-naming it Cat Grout quilt because the quilt has grout.  I know TMI... This is already sandwiched so I want to get it quilted and bound so I can wash it.
Next category is Handwork UFO and #3 is this one: 
I have the pieced blocks done and part of the embroidery blocks.  I want to finish them up and get top done if I can.  
Not sure if I'll get a chance to start the quilting before the first of the year but I'm working on the embroidery in the evenings while I watch TV with hubby.  I will also work on it a little on Friday if I have time at the cottage.
Have a blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...