Sunday, December 23, 2018

Distraction is Finished

As I stated in my last post I had a NLIP (not like I planned) distraction come up. I got a request from my Daughter in law for a bowl cozy. So I did a couple different styles - then to use up the fabric I did a couple pot holders.  And as I'm showing Hubby he said too bad you didn't make her a little bag.  Well I had just enough fabric left to make a little bag.  

Here's another view of the bag
Nice little gifts, was able to use up scraps - Win win. Now I need to get this wrapped up and ready to go.  I want to mail on Monday in hopes of getting there by her Birthday. 
Next I really need to get back to finishing my other 2 place mats that are for my One Monthly Goal - and 2 extra (cause I wanted them) place mats. 
I have/had lots more on my list for this month but I've been busy helping Sis with her UFO's.  Well see how this next month plays out.  :).  

Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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