Monday, April 30, 2018

Goal Met just under the wire or thread

If you read my last post you'll see that I all the sudden realize my goal was bigger than I thought it was for this month.  I thought I only needed to finish 5 blocks, and "hoped" I could sew the top half together. But the way I worded it it made it sound like that was part of my goal.  Since I am linking this up to One Monthly Goal and prizes are on the line, I  want to be legit and finish it up.  Plus as I stated in last post, I need to do it some time anyway.  So I got busy and here you go - just under the wire or thread...
Here are a couple close ups of the blocks I worked on this month. 
Well even if this wasn't my full original intent or goal, I am happy to have this much done. 
I am going to link this up to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts.
Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Two more done

Yesterday I had a bunch of extra stitching time and  I finished 2 more blocks towards my "One Monthly Goal".  As I started writing this I thought my goal was only 5 blocks on my Christmas Quilt, and thought I was done. However as went back to link the post and re-read it I think I committed to doing some of the additional setting blocks.
Here is a link to my Goal for the month of April.  Picture my response - hair standing on end running aaahhhhhhh.  Okay I'm under control again. Here's what I finished in the last couple days. 

I will have to wait until the blocks are sewn together before I can add the additional ornaments on right side of  the Mitten Tree. 
Those two complete the 5.  Now for the other blocks that I realize I said I needed to do.  I have the blocks sewn and fused I just need to do the top stitching. Oh and I'll need to do the tree blocks that are paper pieced. 

Okay - suck it up buttercup and get going.  I still need to sew these blocks regardless of when I get them done. I have a few days left in the month, who knows I may get it done anyway.   
Have a blessed day stitching or sewing.
The designer of this quilt Cheri (Saffiote) Payne lost her battle with cancer this month (April 2018) and passed away.  She was well known in the primitive quilt world and I'm sure will be missed by many.  RIP Cheri. Cheri's FB Page.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Three of Five

Do you remember a few years ago 7 of 9?  It's a Star Trek thing. 
Okay as I was thinking about getting 3 of 5 done that came into my thought process.  Anyways  I got #3 of my 5 monthly block goal done yesterday!
Next up is the mitten tree. This one will take a little more work because it has ornaments - some of which I won't be able to attach on the right side until I sew the blocks together. 
I got the mitten and a couple of the branches stitched down yesterday. However, I'm heading out for a day with my girl friends so I'll have to work on it tonight. 
Have a blessed day - Lynn 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Bowl Weaving

Once a month I get together with a dozen of my sewing friends.  We call it 3rd Saturday Sew.  Last year I was stitching the Bag Ladies and going to name them after my Sat Sew friends. Yes I need to finish them.  Yesterday was our day - and I wanted to try out a pattern I picked up at a the Henderson Quilt Show that we went to a few weeks ago.  It's a fabric woven bowl.  
I had visions of grandeur. that I would be able to get several done.  (pausing to laugh)  Uh Hmm.  Okay well I need to make more for one because they are pretty cool, and 2nd I bought the heavy duty stabilizer to make a bunch and I'm tired of left overs. I just need to be patient and know they take a lot of time.   
I still need to finish the rest of the buttons on the top and then work on shaping it a little more.  Hopefully future ones will go a little smoother. 
In the meantime I am trying to get back on track with my "One Monthly Goal" of my Christmas Quilt.  I have 3 of the 5 blocks done.  I'm heading to Vegas for the day tomorrow and then hopefully after that I won't have any more interruptions to getting them done.  Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Scrappy Stars

It seems every month I have a new idea for the Rainbow scrap challenge. Friendship stars are are an easy block and since I've been on a kick with half square triangles it works out really well.  In my last post I showed 4 blocks I got done and with what little sewing time I've had lately I was happy to get a few more done.  

I haven't decided how many of each color I will do or if I may end up doing a whole quilt in each color.  Heavens know I have enough scraps to do that.  *Wink - Smile*.  And since this has my yellow scraps I will be linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for April. 
grab button for SoScrappy
Have a blessed day!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Zippy Fidgets

Each of the quilting guilds, has a variety of items they work on for charity.  I try to get at least one lap size quilt done for each guild per year and then keep up with the monthly projects that we do for the senior centers and adult care facilities.  Usually these projects are different for both guilds but I was happy to hear both guilds mention they needed more "Fidget Mats" for the Alzheimer care facility.  
I like to put zippers on them - but I thought it would be fun to make a little pocket for them to reach into or place a little treasure. 

I grabbed some fleece from the guild garage sale to make the mats, along with come coordinating fabric.

I thought the bright colors and swirls would be stimulating.
I got these prepped and ready for charity day. 
After doing a couple of the mats using the fleece and material I realized it was pretty flimsy. 
I did the first one with the fleece facing up.
Next I did the fleece on the back.   
Either way - it was flimsy.
A couple of the other ladies were using place mats and attaching the little bobbles.  Also in the garage sale were a large stack of place mats with tags still on them. So I abandoned ship and started using them too. 

It's all about textures and things they can touch or move.  Zippers, beads they can slide and bumpy stuff they can touch. 
Only 3 of us were working on these and between us I believe we got about 20 done.  The others were working on "Hug" Shawls.  You do strips of fabric on one side then do fleece on the other which makes a shawl for your shoulders with little pockets for hands. We're supposed to get together again on Tuesday night to work more on the shawls.  I may help sew some strips together but I'm just not into making the whole shawl.  Hence why I opted for the fidget mats. :)  We'll see. Like to do my part but.  That was it for Friday.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Making Progress Another Finish

I did really good on the 1st - Easter afternoon and evening. I got the top stitching done on the snowmen. I haven't decided if I want to stitch their eyes or use tiny buttons.
 Next I worked on the crow block. 
Then I took a break from that and worked on finishing up my Poinsettia Table Runner and Place Mats. The table runner had some bad quilting on it so I spent 4 hrs one day picking that out and then re-did. Then I got the binding on and hand stitched.

I got those finished up, that makes 6 completed Christmas/Winter projects for the year.  After that, I did some prep work on the more of the blocks that will be needed to finish the top half of my Christmas Quilt. 

Yesterday I had a little bit of time to do some sewing after going to my Dr. office and I didn't feel like doing any hand stitching so I worked on some more of my scrap blocks.  I found a new quilt idea that I like and it's still using my half square triangles and it I make friendship blocks. Then as you lay them out it creates a lattice look.  I only got 4 blocks done but you can start to see how it will create the lattice look. 

That's all I had time to get done yesterday.  The next few days are busy so not sure how much sewing I'll be able to get done. Today we have a couple more errands and appointments. Tomorrow I will go to the cottage but we are doing the garage sale for another week so there won't be any sewing.  Saturday I am going to a quilt shop in a neighboring town with a couple of my friends and I'm sure we'll do lunch. So actual sewing is on hold for a few days. But some where in between there will be hand stitching in the evening for sure.
Have a Blessed Day! 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Goal Setting for April

I really want to keep this momentum going of getting my goals done.  My next Christmas/Winter UFO is Christmas Quilt by Cheri Saffiote Payne. 
I am doing some alternate blocks here and there to be a little of a combo between the picture above and this version.
It has got a lot of hand stitching going on so I'm not going to shoot for getting the top done and quilted (even though I'd love if I could) however, I want to get as much as I can done.  While being realistic I want to push myself a little.   
Here are the blocks I have done with exception of these two they are only prepped and need to be stitched.
Then I have these kinda prepped.  The Mitten Tree and the snowman will go along the upper left side.
Here is the snowman.

Below is the background and the branches of the Mitten Tree, along with a couple of the ornaments that will go on.  The freezer paper to the right will be more of the ornaments to be put on. I'm thinking this will take me a little bit of time.  
I also have this Pear block slightly prepped. 
These are the 5 blocks I want to get done this month.  I also want to get the filler blocks done so I can put the top half of the quilt done which will look something like this. 
These will include the stars above the house. The star in the top right corner.  And possibly the trees under the nativity.  I'm being hopeful. 
I am linking this up to Elm Street One Monthly Goal "OMG".  
As always I'll let you know how I do. 
Have a great day - 
Blessings,  Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...