Thursday, April 12, 2018

Making Progress Another Finish

I did really good on the 1st - Easter afternoon and evening. I got the top stitching done on the snowmen. I haven't decided if I want to stitch their eyes or use tiny buttons.
 Next I worked on the crow block. 
Then I took a break from that and worked on finishing up my Poinsettia Table Runner and Place Mats. The table runner had some bad quilting on it so I spent 4 hrs one day picking that out and then re-did. Then I got the binding on and hand stitched.

I got those finished up, that makes 6 completed Christmas/Winter projects for the year.  After that, I did some prep work on the more of the blocks that will be needed to finish the top half of my Christmas Quilt. 

Yesterday I had a little bit of time to do some sewing after going to my Dr. office and I didn't feel like doing any hand stitching so I worked on some more of my scrap blocks.  I found a new quilt idea that I like and it's still using my half square triangles and it I make friendship blocks. Then as you lay them out it creates a lattice look.  I only got 4 blocks done but you can start to see how it will create the lattice look. 

That's all I had time to get done yesterday.  The next few days are busy so not sure how much sewing I'll be able to get done. Today we have a couple more errands and appointments. Tomorrow I will go to the cottage but we are doing the garage sale for another week so there won't be any sewing.  Saturday I am going to a quilt shop in a neighboring town with a couple of my friends and I'm sure we'll do lunch. So actual sewing is on hold for a few days. But some where in between there will be hand stitching in the evening for sure.
Have a Blessed Day! 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...