Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Guild Workshop Table Topper

Last night was the first guild workshop for the Stitch and Rippit's guild for the new season.  It was a mystery to us and was titled "Spooky Harvest ??? 
Here's what we did. (Teachers sample)

I got all of it done except the binding, which I did today.  

Back - 

Then I ended up cutting some out for Christmas and figure I can put them together in one of the two retreats that are coming up.  

It was a super fun and though I don't usually make duplicates of stuff and didn't need to be doing more of anything except my UFO's, I think these will look really cute on my round glass coffee table each season.  I'll keep you posted.  Have a Blessed Day - Lynn  

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Yep that's right a UFO is now a Work In Progress!
This is my very oldest Quilt UFO.  When I very first started quilting I went to a class and this was what they taught.  
It is a Quilt as you go, and it should be finished - Ha ha! 
Since I was new to quilting, I just did a couple of different simple designs in each of the setting blocks and did echoing in the pieced blocks.
You can see part of it from the back.
Okay fast forward a few years - I was trying to get  into free motion quilting so I thought I'd work on this a little and quilt some of the setting blocks.  Well I  wasn't very good and then got discouraged again.

So fast forward a few years again - clean out a couple of peoples stashes and determination kicks in.  I am going to get these old UFO's done. I have spent about 5 nights picking the bad quilting out of 3 blocks and have one to go.  Then I made the 3 additional pieced blocks I needed.
Added their sashing. 
Now I am ready to re-quilt 4 setting blocks, quilt the 3 pieced blocks and then assemble them onto the rest of the quilt.  At that point I'll see if I want to add the quilted border or just bind.  
I have also gone as far as I can for now on the UFO Bears.  I added a couple borders including the pieced border. 
I talked to my Sister whom this is for and we will wait until she is here again to figure out the rest of the borders. 
So I have UFO's that are WIP and hopefully soon they will be D-O-N-E!
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Modern Trees and UFO Busting

Okay brace yourself - I am having a blast with my UFO's.... That is getting them done.  
Modern trees started as a Quilt a Long in 2013 hosted by Christa Watson now finished in 2018. Wow how time flies.
Here are a couple close ups of the quilting. 

Yes it was good to practice on and keep the muscle memory going.  
I have a renewed urge to get these UFO's done. 
In less than 9 months I've had two friends that are moving into a retirement homes and have needed to get rid of their stash and UFO's.  
The first one, Cheryl's friend Mary Ann (Click on her name for picture) had us clean out her place in Jan and February. We packed the whole back of my pick up full of bags of yardage and pre cuts. There were also several more trips filling the trunk of a car. Mary Ann donated her stash to the guild. So several of us took countless hours sorting measuring and pricing all of it to be sold.    
Now our friend Barbara, is turning 90 in December.  Her children are out of town and want to put her in a assisted living area so their is someone watching over her.  So 5 of us worked 2 days clearing out her sewing room and house of quilt related items. We loaded fabric yardage, quilt tops, tools, and UFO's into the back of 3 SUV's and my pickup.  This time we are sorting and organizing and having a garage sale of her stuff for her.  Annette the owner of the Cottage has the 4 car garage where we do this and has been so nice to donate the space to these women.
Barbara does have a lot of yardage, however unlike Mary Ann, Barbara has project bags and boxes full of quilts that are cut out and in various stages.  There are tons of UFO's.  There is still a lot of work to do.  We need to sort and price and then have the actual garage sale to see how much money we can raise for her.  
So now you can see why I really have a lot of determination to get UFO's done.  I don't want to have this happen to me.  I'm not saying I won't have a stash or some UFO's - I just want to bring it in a little.  So with all of that said, I am working on my very oldest UFO.  It is a quilt as you go and should have been finished years ago.  I'll post more about it later. 
Have a Blessed day and Get it done.  :)  Lynn 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Scrappy Blue

Dark Blue and or Dark Neutrals are the colors picked by SoScrappy for this months scrap busting.  I started this herringbone pattern back in January or February when we had light blues.  It needed to be a little bigger so I added some dark blue blocks and a border. 

I still want to make some dark blue of my other blocks I've been making too but I'll do that later in the month.

I've been doing the scraps each month but don't always link up.  This time I'm going to. Thanks for stopping by, now go back over to SoScrappy and look at others blocks.
grab button for SoScrappy
Have a Blessed day!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Number 6 - Little House

Tell me they count even if they are small. I got my 6th UFO of the year done.  This is my first embroidery project that I got way back in 2008 (ish) I was using it to teach myself and practice embroidery.  Well I've done I don't know how many quilts and blocks of embroidery now so it was time to finish it up.  
I like to use a pillow under my hands while I embroider sometime so I thought this would be a great pillow for that.  And with that in mind I made it a removable pillow case so it can be washed. 
Here's how it looked when I started back up on it. 
Happy to have another finished project.  

Blessings - Lynn 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Elephants and Leaves

I got the rest of the quilting done on my Sister's quilt she is giving to her MIL Beth.  Yay!
  Because of the fabrics I felt like leaves were a good motif for the free motion quilting. 

However I might have already shared, Beth likes elephants and so I was hiding a few elephants in the quilting.  
I ended up putting 7 in there.  It will be fun to have both my Sister and Beth try and find them.  
So for now I am done.  Once my Sister gets here we can decide on binding, I'll sew it on and she'll do the hand binding.
Have a Blessed day - Lynn 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Bag Ladies Have Been Framed

I had a little time today so I trimmed up my Bag Ladies and started putting frames (borders, sashing) around them.  

I'm telling myself I'll wait until I get the final one done before I start putting them together, so I know where I want to place them. But who knows I got excited when I saw them all framed up, and wanted to start sewing them together. Guess we'll see.  
Have a blessed day - Lynn 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

More for September

What's up for September 2018? I like to do my One Monthly Goal and the rest of my Goals in different posts as to not confuse what is what. 
I've been working on free motion quilting the quilt that my Sister is giving to her MIL and so I want to continue on that and finish it. I'll sew the binding on and she'll do the hand binding of it. 

Continuing on with the FM quilting I would like to continue on with Modern Trees.
It might be stretching it but I would like to finish quilting it as well.  I had it as my #8 UFO which was last months random number from All people Quilts UFO Challenge.  This month is #2 so I changed my list around and it's now #8 and #2.  :) 
If I can get it done early enough in the month I'll also add finishing this block into a pillow. It was my very first embroidery project when I was learning.  I felt it would make a great lap pillow to use while I'm doing hand embroidery. 

I also want to continue on with my Scrap Blocks.  This month the color is Dark Blue and Neutrals.  
I've been making these blocks
and I may make a couple but I also want to add to this herringbone quilt to make it bigger.  So I will make some dark blue HST to add to it.  
Next up I want to work on more of my Christmas Winter that I'm doing all year and so I will continue with the project I started at the retreat last month.

Making the panel into a table topper and 4 place mats. 
And if all of this isn't enough - I would like to start trimming and putting the Sashing on by Bag Lady blocks so I can get that into a flimsy. 
I have 100 more things in my mind I would like to get done, but that of course that would mean that I could finish 3 to 4 items each day and hmm unfortunately that doesn't happen.  :) 
Unless something comes up - I don't have any retreats, trips, family or company coming so I may be able to accomplish most of this.  I will let you know how I do.
Have a Blessed Day - Lynn  

Bag Lady OMG for September

If time flies when you're having fun - then I'm having a blast. Actually I am having a blast, but really, August felt like it flew by.  The kids where here and then I had a retreat.  Well now it's not just a new day it's a new month.  First up I want to list my One Monthly Goal and link up to Elm Street Quilts. 
Bag Lady #12.  I started these in January of 2017.  then I got behind in July or August of last year and put them aside.  Well a couple of months ago I picked them up and finished the 3 that were 1/2 stitched. Then last month I was able to get #11 done.  So here is the last one #12.  
Earlene Lynn
My OMG is to get all the stitching done on this last Bag Lady. I'm going to link up to:
OMG September link-up is OPEN!
Head over there and see what others are working on this month.  
Thanks for stopping by, have a blessed day - Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...