Saturday, November 10, 2018

OMG Plus

The retreat ended Wednesday, Thursday we worked to finish stuff up for garage sale. Then Hubby and I did shopping and ran errands.  So yesterday after I got home from the garage Sale I worked on my OMG ornaments. 

There are 4 of each since there are 4 of us.  Two are from me, Two will be from my Sis. 
Next - Barbara's Garage Sale.....Day one of four.
Yesterday was opening day. I didn't work it yesterday, but went down with a friend to see if there was anything she wanted.  She got a few things, and it seemed pretty busy.  
As close as I can figure, we have been working on this since early September.  It could have been the week of labor day. Here are a couple of pictures I took back then. 

Five of us in separate cars spent two days packing it up and hauling it to the garage where we were having the sale.  I think these pictures are from day one.  I also know there were more trips made by Jean afterwards to pick up a few extra boxes several times.  All of the boxes, bins, baskets and bags had to be sorted, measured.  UFO's and Kits had to be checked to make sure all pieces where there and that they had a pattern. It's been a lot of work every Friday and several Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for a couple of months. 
Here's a picture from about a week ago when we were almost done. The far table under the pictures on the wall, are the kits and ufo's. The table in the front of this picture has scrap and strip bundles on the left of the table and then next to Karen is Christmas fabric. 
 This front table has yardage from 1 yard and up.  The table in the middle, in front of Cheryl and Jean, contains Rulers, pre-cuts, Fat Quarters, and half yards. The table in the background up against wall has misc tools plus Minky and Upholstery fabric. 
And of course there are patterns, pattern books and quilt magazines.
We are doing all of this for her, and she said she would make a donation back to the guild. She is selling everything at about 20-40% of what she paid for it and there are some wonderful deals. She is almost 90 and relocated to an assisted living home. 
Well I need to get some stuff done around the house and then Hubby and I are going to spend the day together.  We may do a movie or go for a drive, we haven't decided.
Have a blessed day!

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