Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Food and Exercise

Well now that the retreat is over it's back on the healthy eating path.  
Last night's dinner was a Low Carb, Copy Cat Chipolte Bowl.  I didn't follow this recipe exactly but got the recipe and idea here!  Chicken, Cauliflower Rice, Black Beans and Tomato's.  YUM!
This morning it was back to the gym.  I was pressed for time so only did my Cardio and no strength training.

Stationary Bike - I started out slow - level 3 - then pumped it up to level 5.  

At the end of cool down - 
9.5 Miles. Don't get me wrong, I really want to loose weight. And hopefully I'll loose a lot of it, but I'm focused right now on eating and being healthy.  
I need my next blood tests to be really good so I can get off medicine and prevent going on any more. 
Tonight is the SNR Guild meeting so that's about it for the day.  Tomorrow my Sister is coming over and we are pinning the Bear Quilt.     
Hope you're having a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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