Sunday, April 14, 2019

Henderson Quilt Show 2019

Finally getting some time - so playing catch up on my posts again. I'll have a few in the next couple of days. 
I went to the the Henderson quilt show, with Cheryl and Jean on Friday the 12th. We met up with our friend Patty.  She lives in Boulder City but has the cabin in Williams that Cheryl and I go to sometimes. I didn't get pictures of every quilt I liked but here a few that stood out to me. 
Our Friend Sandi is working on this quilt so I took a picture of it.
This next one could be shiny thing for me.  I really like the brightness.  But I'm being a good girl and am not starting anything new. (yet)  
The next two aren't anything I would do but thought they were pretty. 

My granddaughter loves Jack and Sally - so took a picture of this and sent to her.  She liked.  
 I have a wide palette of what I like.  I like primitive and wool applique, but I also like modern.  If I was better at free motion quilting I would probably do more of it. 
 I think this next one is a variation of Ricky Tims convergence. 

 This Zebra reminded me of one we did a few years back at Fabric Unlimited. 
 Again, not my style but the workmanship was awesome. 
 The hair on this one was very unique.
 This next one was 3 dimensional

It was a fun day we went to the show, then to lunch.  Then we went to Patty's house in Boulder City for a little bit before we headed home.
Have a great day!
Blessings, Lynn  

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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