Sunday, September 8, 2019

Little here - Little there

I go for a few days without posting, either because I'm too busy or I don't think I've gotten anything done to post.  But when you go back and look at the last few days you realize you did a little of this and a little of that and there really was stuff getting done.  
Right around the end of August, first of September I finished all the hand stitching on my oldest quilt ufo. 

Then after I finished that up, I quilted the "Welcome" wall hanging that I'm giving to my Sister to go with her bear quilt. I got the quilting done Monday before taking the machine in for a new tension wheel Tuesday. 

After I got the binding done on Thursday, I caved and sent my Sis  a picture, but I taunted her with sneak peeks before I did. 
Tuesday we took Frank my Brother in law, back to Las Vegas to catch his bus to go home... the time went too fast.  It was at the crack of dawn so I took a few shots of the sunrise in the desert. 

 Later in the day as we headed to Kingman to drop off my machine here are some more shots of the desert.

Here is my favorite - 
I take way too many pictures of the mountains - but I love them. 
Okay what else happened - I cleaned the house, started exercising on my bike again and worked more on the wool table mat.  
Yesterday we picked up my machine  so today I'm going to make some soup and then work on trimming the Daisy Day blocks and adding sashing.  If I sill have some time I'll try some quilting.  I'm really hoping that with the tension wheel fixed I can get some more quilt tops quilted.  
Well - I better get off here and get going.  Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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