Monday, September 9, 2019

Production Line

Yesterday just fell into place. Right after breakfast I started a pot of Vegetable Beef Soup and put it in the crock pot.  The fan for our A/C is acting up so I didn't want to heat the house anymore than needed. 
 Then after Hubby left for golf, I called my Sis and talked with her for quite a while.  We text every day but like to catch up on the phone every few days.   So while I was talking with her, I hand stitched the binding on this table topper. 
 Here's the back.
 This one I did the day before to try out the machine after getting it home from repairs.  I was able to stitch this one my machine.
 Here's the back.
 Then I started trimming up the blocks for Daisy Days, and laying them out to see how it would look.  The top block needs to be finished and then I can start putting it all together.
 Then took out my Halloween embroidery that I've just started and looked at the pieced border.

So I started looking for black to use (note to self - you need black fabric bad)  once I found the black I wanted to use, I started cutting out the pieces.  And since the A/C is struggling and my sewing room was the coolest room in the house.... I started sewing the blocks.  I needed 4 HST and 32 QST. 
 It's been a while since I've made QST.  Good to keep up the skills. 

Before I knew it all my borders strips were cut (will cut exact size when embroidery done) and the piece border blocks were sewn and trimmed. 
Then because it was still kind of early and my sewing room was still nice and cool - I worked some more on the last block of Daisy Days.  I normally would do this in the living room with Hubby while watching or at least listening to what is on TV, but the cool room kept me where I was.  
Here is where it was when I started on it, I was still working on the lettering. 
This is where I finished last night before bed. 
I tried filtering and enhancing the picture but it is still hard to see some of the colors.  
I finished the lettering, did the pointed part of the banner, the rounded part of banner and the pink on top of banner.  Then I started doing the Bee and it's trail. 
So not too bad for a day's play in the sewing room.  
Now I'm off to give it another try and see what I can accomplish. 
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...