Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Paying it forward

Every year one of the guilds I belong to makes little Christmas stockings for Charity and the Angel Tree at one of our hospitals.  Well my snowbird Sister won't be here until 3 days after they are due, my friend Gloria is out of town with her son who is in the hospital and my other friend Cheryl just left town for her annual visit to see her son and grandsons. Since none of them will be here this month for the charity sew and since I didn't want to pack up my machine and take on Friday, I did 3 each (which is what they requested) for the 4 of us. 

I have one more that I made last year that needed to be fixed, I think I'll get it fixed and then there will be a bakers dozen. 
While I was doing that I put on a pot of soup and it is done so I'm enjoying a bowl that.  Hubby has a doctors appointment so we'll do that this afternoon. If I have any more time in the sewing room I'll get this mess cleaned up and next up I will be doing cutting.  I need to make some bindings and also start  cutting out circles for some fabric bowls we are going to give out at the retreat.  
Have a Blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...