Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fabric Bowls

I've been working on these off and on all month.  Fabric bowls to give out at our retreat that we host in January. 

Here is a close up of one.

I made up the little wool take and make packets a little while ago now these. You can see the wool packs Here
We have 26 that come to the retreat so I'm shooting to have between 26 and 30, that way I'll have extra.  Right now I have 17 completed, 2 that have the binding on and just need to be hand sewn and 3 that are sandwiched ready to gather.  So I'm getting really close. 
Today I'm doing a few housekeeping chores... then my 7 miles on my stationary bike.  When I'm done with that I'm hoping to get into the sewing room for a little bit.  But instead of working more on the bowls I think I want to cut out some "3 yard" Quilts. My friend  Cheryl and I will be putting the tops together at one of the 3 retreats we are having in the next month and a half.   
Stitch and Rippits was gifted 60 bolts of fabric and no one is really using it.  So we want to show how easy it is to take 3 yards and make a quick charity quilt.  
Here are the 3 I am going to make - 

Here is the fabric I'm using -

I think I am going to do #1 and #3 in the Daisy fabric combo and #2 in the Cherry fabric combo.  What do you think?  Anyway - I want to start cutting these out and getting them ready. 
This evening we are going with my Hubby's brother and wife to a Vickie Lawrence show.  Yay... I think it is going to be awesome. 
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Blessings - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...