Monday, September 2, 2019

OMG - It's September

OMG - Oh My Goodness, it's September, it's Labor Day weekend, and 2019 is coming to an end.  I really don't like how fast time is going - but I will enjoy every day the best I can and part of that enjoyment shall be sewing.  Which brings me to another....
OMG - One Monthly Goal.  I did good getting my One Monthly Goal done for last month so I'll give it another try. I'm really close to having the last block of Daisy Days done.  My One Monthly Goal is to finish embroidering that block and sew the blocks into a flimsy. 

The red polka dot will be Sashing and the flower fabric the border. 

I'm linking up to One Monthly Goal 

At Elm Street Quilts. 

 It's been a little busy around here with family visiting and connecting to other family - but it's been wonderful and family is important.  
This month I have no retreats, and with my one brother in law heading home tomorrow I suspect I'll have a little extra sewing time.  I have a list a mile long that I'd like to get done but I'll post more about those in the next few days. 
Have a Blessed Day!


  1. I love the embroidery design you are working on. I made that quilt a couple of years ago and I just love it. I hope you find the time to complete your project.

  2. Very nice. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  3. These embroidery blocks look lovely. I'll be looking forward to seeing your finished quilt top.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...