Friday, November 29, 2019

November Wrap Up

This is a little of a back post but wanted to share a little of our Thanksgiving and the fact that we have a new Fur Baby in the House.  So since she will be the focus of our next few puppy training days, we will let her be the first in this post.  So without further delay -  Here is Ginger. 

 Our youngest daughter Taya is here for the Thanksgiving weekend and the two have been joined together continuously. Our other dog Pumpkin is not thrilled about our new family member but learning to tolerate her.  Probably the biggest issue we are having with that is Ginger is a puppy and wants to play - but her paw(s) are almost the size of Pumpkins head so a simple pat on the back or head could really hurt Pumpkin. 
Puppy pounces do not work in this situation.  
Okay I know she has taken the spotlight - however I do want to mention that we had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and evening with part of our family.  Hubby and I went to one of his brothers and our sister in law's house for Thanksgiving.  Their Mom and another brother were there also.  All we were missing was brother Frank and his family for hubbies side of the family.  Jer's Mom came by before we headed over for dinner.  Jer was just getting ready to doze off on couch.  :)
 Here is the Turkey I made right out of the oven.
 Taya is sitting there on the left - Jerry is holding Aden.  (Sister in law's great nephew)
 Casey (Sister in law) holding one of her grand children Amelia.  This is Adam's daughter.
 Jer's Mom, holding Great Granddaughter Amelia
Jerry and Brother Ron in background. 
 Taya with Uncle Ron
Taya with cousin Brandi - (Ron's Daughter)

Jerry's Brother Anthony and Ronnie.
 It just happened to be Brandi's Mother in Love's Birthday so we celebrated that - Her SO Andy's Mom. Also it was Andy's Birthday the next day.
Here are some of the left overs. 
It was a super nice time.  It rained really hard while we were there and the power went out a couple of times for a few minutes.    There were at least 10 more adults not pictured and half dozen kids not pictured.  But we had lots and lots of food and really good conversations.
Happy Thanksgiving 2019 - Oh ya and we came home with our new fur baby  Ginger.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


As you probably realize from the last few posts I've made, I am pretty focused on getting some UFO's done.  
For what ever reason, after finishing the top to the Black and White Pinwheel quilt, I really wanted work on my "Little Porch Time" Quilt.  
Where it is at my restarting point on this:  I have the left side done.  The house, the two tall flowers and 9 patches, the churn dashes and the hands.  I also have the blocks prepped for the 3 vases in the next row and the star block is done. 

So here's what I've done in this last week since I picked it back up. 
The Sun flower in the bottom right corner. 
Then I made the background for the middle row where the big long flowers will go. 
I've started appliqueing the basket that is just above the star to the left of the blue line.  
As for now - our youngest daughter is here for the Thanksgiving holiday, and I'm all about soaking up time with her, so it will be a few days before I get back on this. Until then....
Have a Blessed Day!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Flimsy and OMG

I love it when I meet my One Monthly Goal - I love it even more when I exceed it.  Happy Dance.  
Okay my One Monthly Goal was to make the remaining 2 pinwheel blocks for my Black and White Pinwheel Quilt. 

Then make 80 sashing units out of HST (half square triangles) 
Ta-done.  But instead of letting it go there and work on something else, I kept going. On somewhat of a mission to get all these UFO's and half started things done.  I know I still need to quilt all these but just getting them to flimsy stage is a relief. 
I had some issues with cutting of blocks being wrong you can read about that in my last blog post or click  Here
Despite the hurdles I worked and just kept putting row by row together on the diagonal.  I had 3 rows and the sashing rows to put on yesterday along with borders but was able to finish it up. 

I was having a hard time getting a picture that showed the it real well.  I have it draped on our king bed. 
And then here it is on the guest bed where it will be when it's done.  I actually like it turned side ways.  I fits the way I want it to and will still be long enough on the sides when I'm done quilting it. 
Well I definitely met my OMG and so at he end of the month I will be linking it up, over at Elm Street Quilts. 

Now to figure out the next UFO I want to tackle.  
Today I have some household things to do and my Sister and Brother in law are coming over for dinner.  I'm going to make roasted Chicken and Vegetables and not sure what else.  
Have a blessed day!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Pinwheel Quilt

When I was growing up, there was a cheesy joke: What is Black and White and read all over?  A newspaper!  Because when you tell the joke you don't know you are saying read and not red.  :)  Okay what does this have to do with quilting you ask - Well I will tell you.  
The Quilt is Black and (Off) White...  The read all over is the fact that when I finished all the components (blocks and pieced sashing units) to assemble the quilt,  the triangles that were the ends to each row do not fit.  
Here I've laid out a few blocks to see how the row go together on the diagonal.  

I read - and read - and measured and Re-read and texted a friend.  Here's the instructions for #4 fabric.
Here are the layout instructions - 

I don't know what's wrong, this pattern was a block of the month and is really old so there may have been a correction and I didn't get - but the cutting instructions do not work no matter how hard I tried.  I can't cut a 5 1/4" sq twice and get it to fit a 4 1/2" block.  SO.... I have enough fabric and ended up cutting more pieces.  I did have to change the smaller triangles to #5 fabric instead of #4, but actually that way the whole outside is the same fabric so it works fine.  Here are the first few diagonal rows sewn together. 
I keep you posted on how the rest of it works.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sweet Adellie

What a week - this week had a little of a lot of things. The really big news that has got to take the top of the list,  we have a new great granddaughter.   Adela Rose 
She was born on the 11th.  So sweet and precious our these little babies. 
This is #4 for our Granddaughter and husband and on this baby they decided not to find out the gender until she was born.  So SHE was a surprise, then it took them a day to name her.   Her big Sister who is 2 today was named Adriana, but some reason, she ended up getting the nickname of Nellie.  They are thinking that this one will be nicknamed Adellie or simply Ellie.  :)  Regardless of what she is called.  She will be loved  - A lot!
Haven't gotten an updated picture of the four children together - here is a collage of Carter the oldest holding Ben, then Nellie on the right and Adela on the left. 
Nellie and Adela

Look at how alert she is. 
Since they live in Texas, most all my pictures come from Snapchat.  I love that we have an avenue to keep up with their daily life since we can't be there in person. I take screen shots of the pictures and videos. 
Well I could go on and on - Grandchildren are such a blessing. 
Welcome sweet Adela we do love you so much already!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Third of Three

Well I am home from my 3rd of the 3 retreats.  I was doing good momentum was going good until I got home then I crashed.  I unpacked a bunch of my stuff sat down and I fell asleep hard.  15 mins later I got a text that jarred me like a cattle prod.   
I thought after a night or two of good sleep and I'd be back to normal, but we have been on the run with errands and appointments so the jury is still out on the good as new thing. LOL I slept for 9 hours we got up got ready and headed to hubby's doctor appointment then from there we needed go to Kingman (about an hour away) to pick up my sewing machine that has been in the shop for ever.  The part it needed was on back order. Anyway when we got home from that it was only about 1:30 or 2pm but hubby and I both were so so sleepy.  He went and hit a bucket of golf balls to practice his game a little and I worked on the "Where I Belong" Quilt that I worked on at retreat #2.  It only needed it's 2 borders and I was able to get them done.  

As I was showing it to hubby, I said yay a ufo done.  He informed me that if it wasn't quilted yet it was still a ufo.  Yes he got a dirty look.  :).  
So at the retreat the last of the trio... I only worked on the black and white pinwheel quilt.  I had my 640 HST that I was making into sashing units.  

I ended up taking a couple of hours to check my hst and re-trim a few of them.  My handy short cut on how I trim maybe isn't the best because some were off.  Anyway that took away from sewing time but I did still get a lot done.  Since I needed 80 I was putting them in piles of 8 so I could count 10%, 20%... As of the end of the retreat I got the remaining 2 blocks done 

and I  am 75% done with the sashing units which is my One Monthly Goal.  :) 

I met a few new people this time and one of them was Carla.  
She was working on a panel and I told her I had the same panel.  Well she bought hers as a kit -
 This is it before she put the last border on.  

And when she was done she gave me the left over fabric and the pattern.  Wasn't that sweet. 
So of course I had to come home and dig mine out.  I think there will be enough of her scraps to make a nice top out of it.  
Okay this post has taken me way too long and I need to get going.   We have an appointment and then hopefully I can come home and do some sewing. 
Hope you all have a wonderful day - Blessings,  Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...